Author Topic: Windows Media Player???  (Read 3473 times)


  • Posts: 20
Windows Media Player???
« on: 30 May '03 - 09:27 »
Firstly, thanks Ian for the help in getting my system sorted to work with Bass. Anyway my question is this, I've dug out an old 'quiz' project I was working on that uses the Windows Media Player, (wsdxm.ocx), and I was wondering can this be integrated with Bass at all? By the way I'm using Visual Basic.


  • Posts: 20
Re: Windows Media Player???
« Reply #1 on: 7 Jun '03 - 17:54 »
I just got an email asking what I meant by this post and the answer is this. My old project has 3 media players in it and i was wondering if it Bass can grab the audio from one of these and direct it to whatever sound output I want to. So it's using the media player to play the sound and Bass to direct the sound... if you see what I mean!


  • Posts: 458
Re: Windows Media Player???
« Reply #2 on: 7 Jun '03 - 22:52 »
I too, have been looking for a way to change the audio output device for video playback. I couldn't find a way to it using windows media player, so I looked into Direct Show on MSDN, but there doesn't appear to be a way to change the output device for the video playback through code. The only way I found to do it was to go to the control panel and change your preferred device, but even if I could change the preferred device through code it wouldn't work for my situtation.

I am still actively researching this issue, and will let you know if I find a solution for changing the audio output device for video playback through code.
