Updates by TaZxmp-scrobbler-0.9.8Original Downloadsxmp-scrobbler 0.9.7prexmp-scrobbler 0.9.6 (
source code)
xmp-scrobbler 0.8 (
source code)
News2007-06-26Version 0.8 is available - this is only a quick bugfix release - fixes annoying "Wrong cache file format" bug.
2007-04-03Xmp-scrobbler 0.7 is ready. It contains minor bug fixes in CUE sheet handling, extracting MusicBrainz Track ID from various file formats and other.
Note: This version is compatible only with XMPlay 3.4 or newer!2007-02-09Version 0.6 is ready. Not so many new features in this version, as I wrote below - large parts of the plug-in were rewritten so this time I wanted to focus more on stability and usability, not on features. In the next version I plan to add a few features (include / exclude directories, more plug-in status information in options), but all in all there's not much new stuff left to add, because xmp-scrobbler has quite simple task to do. Anyway, if you have some ideas, feedback is always welcome.
So, what's new in this version:
- CUE sheet support (thanks to Aux for cooperation on this feature!) - now tracks from CUE sheets can be submitted just like any other tracks if CUE sheet is detected by XMPlay (block "Cuesheet" appears in the Message window); this area of the plug-in is still quite experimental and I expect that some problems may occur
- a few options added to control the log file and now "debug mode" can be turned off to make log file contents more human-readable
- couple of bugs fixed
Please report any problems in this thread, preferably with log file contents (with "debug mode" option turned on) attached / copy-pasted. Thanks.
BTW: as you may notice - I had to remove some older news from this message, because I got "The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (10000 characters)" warning.
2007-02-04Beta version has been updated, bug causing crashes with certain files has been fixed, please re-download the plug-in / source code.
Thanks to ec8or for reporting this bug.
2007-02-03It's been a while since the last release

Anyway, version 0.6 is nearly finished, but I want to release beta version first, because large parts of the plug-in were rewritten. If you want to try it - links (to the plug-in and to the source code) are as always below, but if you are good with previous version - just stick with it and wait few more days until 0.6 final is released.
Beta version doesn't have too much new features, because I was focusing mainly on merging Aux's code for CUE sheets support and that's the main area that needs to be tested now, so any feedback is welcome. I've been testing new code for two days and everything seems to be working OK, but I expect some bugs hence the beta version.
In the final 0.6 version I plan to add couple of already requested features, so stay tuned if you want.
And of course big thanks to Aux for contributing his time and effort.
What is xmp-scrobbler?It's a plugin for XMPlay. It lets you "join the social music revolution at Last.fm" with your favorite music player.
What is Last.fm?It's a superb free online service which blends music and social networking in an unique and innovative way.
Discover it for yourself. But beware - it's highly addictive!
OK, but why do I need this plugin?Last.fm is about music you listen to. Information about what you're playing in XMPlay has to be transferred to Last.fm servers in some way. And this is where xmp-scrobbler comes in - it monitors XMPlay in realtime and submits data about what you listen to to Last.fm.
Whoa, cowboy! What about privacy?This is what xmp-scrobbler sends to Last.fm: your username, your password (encrypted), track artist, title, album, time of play and optionally some technical data about tracks you're playing. So nothing to worry about - you share only your musical taste :-)
OK, so what do I do now?If you don't have Last.fm account yet,
create one before you install xmp-scrobbler. Then download xmp-scrobbler (link below) and copy it to XMPlay directory. Xmp-scrobbler is a DSP plugin so go to the options and add it there, then click Config, enter your username and password and tick Enable plugin checkbox. And that's all! Now just listen to your favorite music like you always do - nothing's changing, xmp-scrobbler works in background and will not bother you with popup windows, dialog box messages etc.
Nice, but what exactly can I do with all this?Well... go to your Last.fm profile (
http://www.last.fm/user/your_username) and watch it filling up with your music, then dive into forums, groups, radio stations, friends, neighbours, recommendations, journals... pure addiction!
This plugin doesn't work / it crashed XMPlay / froze my system / ate my sandwichPlease post about your problem in this thread, give me your system configuration and send me via PM (or copy-paste it here) xmp-scrobbler.txt file (it's in your XMPlay directory) - it's a technical log generated by xmp-scrobbler to help me find and fix bugs more easily.
Source codeIf you want to build xmp-scrobbler from the source code, you'll need libcurl and zlib. I develop xmp-scrobbler in Dev-C++ - project file (xmp-scrobbler.dev) is provided in the source package - but it should work just fine with any reasonable compiler I guess. Probably you'll have to adjust paths in linker parameters in project options to match your Dev-C++ configuration. If you have any problems with building or some useful technical tips or you think you found a bug - post it in this thread.
Enjoy and share your opinion / problems.