Hello, I am having trouble scrobbling tracks using a cuesheet. It doesn't seem like anyone is working on this plugin anymore, but since it used to work in the past maybe it's possible to get it working again. Here is the log:
2012-04-23 02:23:32 [INFO] CUE sheet found, the current file contains 9 track(s).
2012-04-23 02:23:32 [INFO] The current track is "tle E2-E4" by Ruhige Nervosität
13:00 Gemässigter Aufbruch
23:00 ...Und Mittelspiel
30:00 Ansatz
36:00 Damen Eleganza
41:00 Ehrenvoller Kampf
44:00 Hoheit Weicht (Nicht Ohne Schwung)
53:00 ...Und Souveränität
56:00 Remis
2012-04-23 02:27:23 [INFO] Track added to cache for submission.
2012-04-23 02:27:23 [INFO] Preparing to submit 1 track from cache.
2012-04-23 02:36:28 [INFO] The current track is "tle E2-E4" by Gemässigter Aufbruch
23:00 ...Und Mittelspiel
30:00 Ansatz
36:00 Damen Eleganza
41:00 Ehrenvoller Kampf
44:00 Hoheit Weicht (Nicht Ohne Schwung)
53:00 ...Und Souveränität
56:00 Remis
2012-04-23 02:40:23 [INFO] Track added to cache for submission.
2012-04-23 02:40:23 [INFO] Preparing to submit 2 tracks from cache.
2012-04-23 02:40:24 [INFO] Submission succeeded.
2012-04-23 02:46:28 [INFO] The current track is "tle E2-E4" by ...Und Mittelspiel
30:00 Ansatz
36:00 Damen Eleganza
41:00 Ehrenvoller Kampf
44:00 Hoheit Weicht (Nicht Ohne Schwung)
53:00 ...Und Souveränität
56:00 Remis
2012-04-23 02:49:53 [INFO] Track added to cache for submission.
2012-04-23 02:49:53 [INFO] Preparing to submit 1 track from cache.
2012-04-23 02:49:54 [INFO] Submission succeeded.
I attached the cuesheet too. As you can see it takes what is actually track-titles and uses them for artist name, and what it thinks are track titles is actually the end of the album "TITLE" specification and the name of the album with some spaces inbetween. It says also that the tracks are submitted successfully, as wrong as they may be, but they don't show up on my last.fm profile. I use xmplay and xmp-scrobbler Pre-0.9.7. on Windows 7.