Author Topic: BASS_VST - available for download  (Read 137821 times)


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #150 on: 13 Nov '17 - 20:31 »
If I use any in my project without bass_vst.dll, I get the error 0xc00007b. And I do not understand how to apply BassNet.Registration (,) in the Lazarus (Delphi) environment.
Lazarus is native code, so you do not have to use any dlls but use the native bass libraries with the associated Delphi import units.

Code: [Select]
vstHandle: = BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP (stream, 'name.dll', BASS_Unicode, 1); = zero reaction to any VST.dll files,If you use BASS_Unicode the function expects WideChars. AFAIK Lazarus unicode implementation is different from Delphi and uses UTF8 instead of UTF16 (WideChars). So if 'name.dll' is a literal string in your source it is most likely a single byte string. Try to remove the BASS_Unicode flag.

Yes, I know about this, it was my previous problem, and I use:
Code: [Select]
stream:= Bass_streamCreateFile(false, Pchar(UTF8ToUTF16(OpenDialog1.FileName)), 0, 0, BASS_UNICODE);
This only applied to OpenDialog with other directories, and if the file was in the working directory, it is enough to specify its name.
Code: [Select]
vstHandle: = BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP (stream, 'name.dll', 0, 1); and
Code: [Select]
...(...,0,0); and
Code: [Select]
(stream, Pchar(UTF8ToUTF16('name.dll')), BASS_UNICODE, 1);  too = zero reaction to any VST.dll files


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #151 on: 13 Nov '17 - 21:52 »
Ok, I think this can be an import file problem. I have made a quick test project under Lazarus for Win64 and it works perfectly for me.
I have used my custom Dynamic_Bassvst.pas import unit that I usually use in my own projects. It is included in the package. Also the bass_vst.dll is a custom one (v.
If you are interested in the source code of it you can find it in my downloadable MidiPlayer package(s):


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #152 on: 13 Nov '17 - 22:31 »
Ok, I think this can be an import file problem. I have made a quick test project under Lazarus for Win64 and it works perfectly for me.
I have used my custom Dynamic_Bassvst.pas import unit that I usually use in my own projects. It is included in the package. Also the bass_vst.dll is a custom one (v.
If you are interested in the source code of it you can find it in my downloadable MidiPlayer package(s):

Your SimpleGainVST.dll is load and working in my project as is, without Dynamic_Bassvst.pas. Why?


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #153 on: 13 Nov '17 - 22:50 »
Upload your vst dll somewhere, let me have a look at it.


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #154 on: 13 Nov '17 - 23:52 »
Anyway I have not met any VST 2.x dll  so far that is not working with Bass_vst. You have said that no other dlls is working for you (but my 64 bit VST 2.4 dll).
So the chances are high that:
1. You are trying to load VST 3.x dlls that are not supported by Bass_vst.
2. You are trying to load VST Instruments (VSTi) as effects. VST Instrument plugins do not work with BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP() but only with BASS_VST_ChannelCreate().
3. You are trying to load plugins with the wrong bitness (32/64 bit).


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #155 on: 14 Nov '17 - 01:07 »
Upload your vst dll somewhere, let me have a look at it.

It is not VSTi

Your SimpleGainVST.dll don't work with VST Host Dsp v1.1.6 for Winamp. Why?

Thank you for your help.


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #156 on: 14 Nov '17 - 01:27 »
Upload your vst dll somewhere, let me have a look at it.

It is not VSTi

Your SimpleGainVST.dll don't work with VST Host Dsp v1.1.6 for Winamp. Why?

Thank you for your help.
If Loudmax.dll is a VST3 plugin,
I have a plugin created in 2001, which I want to apply, but it also does not work in my project yet. It can not be VST3, then there is a chance.


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #157 on: 14 Nov '17 - 01:31 »
Anyway I have not met any VST 2.x dll  so far that is not working with Bass_vst. You have said that no other dlls is working for you (but my 64 bit VST 2.4 dll).
So the chances are high that:
1. You are trying to load VST 3.x dlls that are not supported by Bass_vst.
2. You are trying to load VST Instruments (VSTi) as effects. VST Instrument plugins do not work with BASS_VST_ChannelSetDSP() but only with BASS_VST_ChannelCreate().
3. You are trying to load plugins with the wrong bitness (32/64 bit).

How do I load a plug-in with a conflict bitness? jBridge? Сan you help me with the code?


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #158 on: 14 Nov '17 - 02:04 »
1. The loudmax plugin you uploaded is the 32 bit version so that is the reason it is not working with your 64 bit Bass_Vst.dll.
In the LoudMax package there is a LoudMax64.dll. As the name suggests it is for 64 bit. Try this version with your project instead.
Hers's a video that demonstartes the Loudmax plugin works with Bass_vst (my program uses it for VST plugins).

Your SimpleGainVST.dll don't work with VST Host Dsp v1.1.6 for Winamp. Why?
Because Winamp and the Vst Host DSP is 32 bit and the plugin I sent you is a 64 bit one. If I load the 32 bit version into Vst Host DSP 1.6, it works:

So all your problems are bitness mismatches.

How do I load a plug-in with a conflict bitness? jBridge? Сan you help me with the code?
I think the simplest solution would be if you built both a 32 and a 64 bit version of your program/host. Problem solved.


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #159 on: 14 Nov '17 - 03:06 »
jbridge helped me by converting the VST plugin file into 64-bit, thank you all for your help.


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #160 on: 12 Jan '18 - 19:22 »
I just added to the above Git repository ( the related windows binaries for the last stable version (compiled with VS2010, platform toolset v100).

v2.4.0.7 is the official version of Bjorn Petersen.

v2.4.0.8 contain the following enhancements:
1) BASS_VST_Get/SetChunk added: plain binary parameter data handling
2) BASS_VST_Get/SetProgramParam length parameter added: to yield better .Net interoperability
3) Default/last parameter value handling optimized: as some VSTs can dynamically add/remove parameters

any chance to get this functionality also in the OSX/macOS version?


  • Posts: 159
Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #161 on: 15 Jan '18 - 00:29 »
I noticed that the 32-bit bass_vst.dll posted at un4seen has a version number of and a date of 9/17/2013, while the latest one at the github address is "" but with a post date of 2/27/2015.  Am therefore wondering as to why the apparent version number "regression" of the later github copy?


  • Posts: 4842
Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #162 on: 15 Jan '18 - 07:50 »
I think, there was once someone which tried to optimize BASS_VST to make work with Wave Shell VSTs and he upgraded the version number to - but his changes (which he also only did for the 32bit version) have never found its way to the official GIT version and I also don't know, if his work was ever fully stable.
I guess that's where the confusion is coming from.
However, as far as I can tell is the only 'official' version the one on GIT (v2.4.0.8).


  • Posts: 159
Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #163 on: 16 Jan '18 - 05:30 »
Thanks radio42.  Am trying to troubleshoot probs with a BASS-based player that uses its own VST wrapper around bass_vst.dll but supplies the older, "2.4.5" version of that file.  No change using, but I'll keep that one anyway, I like the change log!


  • Posts: 387
Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #164 on: 16 Jan '18 - 09:31 »
What VST causing problems?


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #165 on: 16 Jan '18 - 10:58 »
@radio42: do you happen to know who did/compiled the OSX/macOS version?


  • Posts: 4842
Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #166 on: 16 Jan '18 - 13:36 »
No - sorry

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #167 on: 16 Jan '18 - 17:43 »
I think the OSX version was created by BaseHead.


  • Posts: 159
Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #168 on: 16 Jan '18 - 19:59 »
What VST causing problems?

sort of a long story rv; trying to see what VST plugins load/work/crash with an excellent music player's (MusicBee) own vst host plugin which is a wrapper for bass_vst.  For example, LoudMax won't load but Unlimited (Sonic Anomaly) will, Case Meier Crossfeed won't but B2B will, etc etc.  Just wanted to try a different build of bass_vst on my own as the developer has his hands full right now.  I have no coding skills myself so purely an end-user's stab-in-the-dark.


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #169 on: 20 Nov '18 - 09:37 »
Is there any way to find out the minimum and maximum value of the parameters of an effect VST to be able to map it to the slider of a MIDI device? BASS_VST_PARAM_INFO doesn't contain any min/max information and just from the provided data it's not possible to assume min/max values.


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Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #170 on: 20 Nov '18 - 10:18 »
Wow I'm an idiot, ignore me. It even says in the documentation that the SetParam value is a float between 0.0 and 1.0. That's the range!

Thanks anyways, great library! Glad it's so easy to use!

Wayne McHugh

  • Posts: 100
Re: BASS_VST - available for download
« Reply #171 on: 19 May '23 - 04:23 »
I have done a ton of work, all made successful an inch at a time, with BASS_VST and BASS/BASS_MIDI, playing MIDI files using a mixture of SF2 and VSTi.  Just amazing that this is even possible, but works beautifully. I am using specific VSTi's, being free or low cost (because of the users who will use my software), and one of them is the demo version of Addictive Keys. The weird thing is doesn't play the first few notes.

I queried the company and their response was "[Addictive Keys] needs to load new samples and can therefore miss a few midi notes for that time. For our plugin to actually load sounds, the audio must be driven. This mean that it's not enough for the GUI thread to idle. The plugin must receive some request to process audio to begin loading samples, either from the GUI thread or from the audio thread. There doesn't need to be any midi messages for the samples to load, it will start as soon as the audio is driven. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing when the loading is finished, as it depends heavily on where they are stored."

I've used BASS_VST_ProcessEvent to throw MIDI notes at it to try and "drive" it, all to no avail. I've queried them again on what will trigger the loading of samples, but it's possible they were slightly offended by my observation that it seemed strange to delay loading until they receive data which must then be lost.

If anyone has any prior experience of this situation, or suggestion of what the likely solution might be, to trigger their sample loading, I'd love to hear it.  I realise my question is not actually about BASS_VST - BASS_VST is doing its job brilliantly.