Yes, they contain only playlists. So I take it this means I can't get the benefit of directory monitoring? That's disappointing - I'd been looking forward to it.
I may yet make it add unprocessed playlists (ie. the playlist file itself) from monitored directories. Is that what you had in mind, or did you want it to add the playlist contents?
about MiniLyrics I'm sad it doesn't work anymore... can't you make it so it will work?
I've sent the updated DSP plugin API to the MiniLyrics developer, so hopefully an update will be available shortly.
I did manage to wreak some havoc on the playlist by playing with overwriting module data, and then deleting the files from the library. Will see if I can reproduce it 100%
What sort of havoc was that?

If a crash, please provide a drwtsn32.log entry for it... shortcuts box in options and stuff is doing a little weird... Purely aesthetic, but the topmost action will often remain selected.
Oops! I've snuck an updated EXE into the 3.4 download

Could you add some sort of sorting on action someday?
The thing is that multiple actions can be assigned to a single key, in which case, the order can be important. For example, you could have a "remove dead tracks" shortcut by assigning a key to "Select dead" and "Remove" - that wouldn't work the other way round

XMPlay crashed when I mass-tagged some modules, without deleting them from the library. Worked fine the second time
Do you happen to have a drwtsn32.log entry for it?

When adding a large library it crashes too.
As above, drwtsn32.log entry please.
Scandinavian characters in .XMs stopped displaying properly.
To reproduce that here, could you please upload some examples? I think you did that before, but I can't find them now.
Oh and everything seems to be XMPlay-able now when opening files with the Open file(s) button. XMPlay-able gives me the same listing as All files.
Strange, that doesn't seem to happen here. Does it happen if you remove all plugins? If not, please try putting them back one-by-one, and see which it starts to go wrong with.
Probably a bug - when I use "Add directory" in the Playlist window and select certain directory, files from that directory are being added two times to the playlist, so it looks like this...
I don't suppose you have a playlist file in the directory too? If that's not it, I'll probably have to send you a debug version to find out what's happening.
* MOD signature shown in "General" info
Why not identify the tracker for other modules as well? Of course some evil trackers pretend to be something they aren't but breaking module standards can expose them.
Other formats have a single correct signature (eg. "IMPM" for IT), so it wouldn't really tell anything by showing that. Note that XMPlay isn't doing anything clever regarding the MOD signature (just shows what's in the file), in case you thought it was

The horizontal 'scroll' in Spectrum 3D is a lot (about 2x by eyeball) faster than
The speed is indeed doubled, as it was too slow and squashed up, particularly in fullscreen mode.
Full-screen visulisations are painfully slow with and without restrict size, and the resizing appears to be nearest-neighbour (WinXP SP2, Athlon 1.3GHz, GeForce4 Ti4600).
Unfortunately, I think you'll probably need a more powerful CPU to smoothly run the vis in fullscreen. As a last resort, you could try lowering your monitor resolution.
MOD pattern display now scrolls the pattern as opposed to the bar. I can't find a way to change this - middle-clicking in the display toggles the channel instead of the scrolling behaviour.
Yep, that other scroll mode was removed. I don't recall exactly why now, but I'm sure there was a good reason

... I think it was something to do with standardising things, as other input plugins can now also add their own vis modes.
MOD auto-looping defaults to 'never'
Strange, it should be set to "loop detected" by default - it is here. Have you tried starting with a fresh config (eg. by renaming your XMPLAY.INI), to confirm that it's "never" by default there?
A small feature I requested many moons ago and was implemented, seems to be missing now:
* Have the auto-load settings thingy check if a setting is already loaded, so it wouldn't load it again.
I don't use any Winamp DSP plugins myself (so probably wouldn't notice if it had been buggered

), but I tried saving
blank path settings with the Nevi EQ enabled, and it didn't seem to be reloaded with each new track (with "Auto-load settings" enabled). Please upload your XMPLAY.INI and XMPLAY.SET files, to see if that sheds any light... Vertical sync vis display checkbox is always unchecked when XMPlay starts.
Oops! It's sorted in the snuck EXE.
Also, how do I translate the changes from the db to the file tags?
I'm afraid that's not currently possible. I was considering it for 3.4, but writing some tag formats (eg. OGG) is a pretty complicated/messy business as they're part of the file structure (not just tagged on like ID3/APE), and I decided not to delay 3.4 any further

It'll probably happen in a future version.
When Using ASIO output with 3s buffer the slider gets crazy. It flickers and goes backward and forward. This isn't happening with directsound or waveout.
That doesn't seem to happen here. Is it happening with any file format in particular, and what's the "Output" sample format (including the bit in brackets if present) in General info?