Author Topic: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs  (Read 523123 times)


  • Posts: 1163
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #50 on: 5 Apr '07 - 12:42 »
Double clicking is faster anyway. :)

Seriously about the full screen visses..
Unfortunately, I think you'll probably need a more powerful CPU to smoothly run the vis in fullscreen. As a last resort, you could try lowering your monitor resolution.
Could XMPlay do the resolution switching?

And the åäö are working again, thanks Ian.

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26252
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #51 on: 5 Apr '07 - 13:41 »
MO3's inside a RAR, mass-tagged on artist field from the library view, then removed the artist field (note that Overridden wasn't ticked when reopening Track Info!), pressed apply and XMPlay crashed.

Ah, I think I see what the problem might be! There was a little bug in the mass-tagging. Here's an update to try...

Regarding the unticked "Override" thing when there are overridden tags, the thinking behind that was that you would have to tick it to override the overridden tags :) ... But it'll now be ticked if all the selected tracks have overridden tags (it'll be left unticked if any don't).

when I use the Find track(s) dialog, type (for example) "kätilöt" and press enter, it changes to "kätilöt". After closing, the playlist shows the ä and ö properly.

Oops, that should be sorted in the update above.

On an unrelated subject, when I did the 'Add directory' on M:\Music, it loads some dead entries (H:\Blahblah\File.ext) for an unknown reason. 'Ignore playlists & shortcuts' is enabled.

Does that happen if you remove all plugins, notably Winamp plugins? It could be one of them accepting the file extension.

   Just had a look at the playlist in a text editor. It has replaced a song name with a string of garbage ~692884 characters long. Will upload a playlist very soon. And possibly the file in question too.
   xmplay_jace_WTF.rar uploaded. I don't think you'll have trouble finding the line in question. :D

Yep, that'd explain it :)

It'd result in the UTF-8 detection failing, due to non-UTF8 sequences in the garbage. I'm not sure how the garbage got there though - does it appear in the playlist right from the first time you save it?

The file in question seems to be "M:\Music\Web Downloads\herkk%e4%e4.ogg". Does the garbage still appear if you remove that file from the directory, before adding the directory to the playlist?

No, I want them in alphabetically order.

Oh, in that case you shouldn't have a problem. It's the non-sorting option that's been removed :D

You can sort the results by title or filename by clicking on the column headers.

Is that with XMPlay on top?

Yes, it is.

Ok, I think that's always happened. I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done about it.

With a fresh config, it is "loop detected" by default. Thinking about it, I did have a default path setting with mod and loop options, so this may have overriden the setting.

That'd explain it. The auto-loop setting is now part of the MOD saved settings, but in settings saved previously, it'll be 0 ("never"). I guess that's not really very nice, and the auto-loop setting probably doesn't really need to be saved anyway, so I've removed it from the saved settings in the updated EXE above.

Uploaded as nevi popup.rar ;)

Ah yes, I see now. Those are saved settings from a previous version, before the "Effect has a tail" option was added. With that option added, the current Winamp DSP config no longer matches the saved config, and so it gets reloaded. The saved settings will need to be updated. I've added an "Update" option (via a right-click menu) in the updated EXE above, to make that pretty simple - "Load" the setting and then "Update" it :)

Unfortunately, I think you'll probably need a more powerful CPU to smoothly run the vis in fullscreen. As a last resort, you could try lowering your monitor resolution.
Could XMPlay do the resolution switching?

I've not tried that yet, but the option may well appear in a future update.


  • Posts: 535
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #52 on: 5 Apr '07 - 14:33 »
The MOD year detect function needs some tweaking.
Bad year detection on landou 2.ft. Not sure if there's a way to automate that though. :|
« Last Edit: 5 Apr '07 - 14:34 by Knurek »


  • Posts: 276
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #53 on: 5 Apr '07 - 14:43 »
How fix double reverb DSP?

Solved - ok after XMPLAY.ini recreate.
« Last Edit: 5 Apr '07 - 15:29 by Y@nek® »


  • Posts: 288
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #54 on: 5 Apr '07 - 14:47 »
Yep, that other scroll mode was removed. I don't recall exactly why now, but I'm sure there was a good reason :D ... I think it was something to do with standardising things, as other input plugins can now also add their own vis modes.
Any plans to restore it? Again, others' opinions may vary, but I prefered it that way.

Meh tooo. Mooh! ;D


  • Posts: 535
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #55 on: 5 Apr '07 - 14:50 »
Yep, that other scroll mode was removed. I don't recall exactly why now, but I'm sure there was a good reason :D ... I think it was something to do with standardising things, as other input plugins can now also add their own vis modes.
Any plans to restore it? Again, others' opinions may vary, but I prefered it that way.

Meh tooo. Mooh! ;D

And while we're at it, any chance of a continous pattern display, akin to OpenCP?


  • Posts: 258
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #56 on: 5 Apr '07 - 15:01 »
Uploaded as nevi popup.rar ;)

Ah yes, I see now. Those are saved settings from a previous version, before the "Effect has a tail" option was added. With that option added, the current Winamp DSP config no longer matches the saved config, and so it gets reloaded. The saved settings will need to be updated. I've added an "Update" option (via a right-click menu) in the updated EXE above, to make that pretty simple - "Load" the setting and then "Update" it :)

Tryed the update and it seems to work well, :D thanks Ian!


  • Posts: 144
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #57 on: 5 Apr '07 - 16:06 »
Hi, I found some bugs.

1. There's a bug with output device naming in cyrillic:

2. There is a cosmetic bug with string's place in "Options and stuff":

3. There is a cosmetic bug with an end of time string in "Track info" dialog.
« Last Edit: 5 Apr '07 - 16:30 by Auren »


  • Posts: 38
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #58 on: 5 Apr '07 - 18:41 »
Small bug.

I have assigned F12 to minimize/restore from tray.
It minimizes ok, but doesn't restore.
It does if I assign other shortcut (I have tried ctrl + .)



  • Posts: 232
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #59 on: 5 Apr '07 - 19:16 »
No, I want them in alphabetically order.

Oh, in that case you shouldn't have a problem. It's the non-sorting option that's been removed :D

You can sort the results by title or filename by clicking on the column headers.

Oh, yeah, it works like a charm ;D

Is that with XMPlay on top?

Yes, it is.

Ok, I think that's always happened. I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done about it.

I may be wrong, but if the window is always on top, shouldn't the hint the always in top too? Man, I hate M$ sometimes... ::)

... before the "Effect has a tail" option was added.

BTW, what does this option? ("Effect has a tail")


  • Posts: 1247
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #60 on: 5 Apr '07 - 20:13 »
Effect tails are what time-domain effects like delay and reverb have.


  • Posts: 723
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #61 on: 6 Apr '07 - 01:11 »
I read in the xmplay history :
* Support for embedded CUE sheets
Does this refer to tracks having the cue as part of their tags?
I am asking this because I tried playing such a track but xmplay  didn't recognize the cue.


  • Posts: 842
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #62 on: 6 Apr '07 - 07:15 »
Small bug.

I have assigned F12 to minimize/restore from tray.
It minimizes ok, but doesn't restore.
It does if I assign other shortcut (I have tried ctrl + .)


Have you removed the already existing hotkey for F12? (Reload skin).. Perhaps that's thorwing it off a bit?

And Ian, concerning the playlist stuffups, either you've already fixed it in the latest stuff or something very very odd is going on. Unable to reproduce it now, tried several times. No files removed, no reboots, nothing. =\

So yeah, good job! :D


  • Posts: 232
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #63 on: 6 Apr '07 - 09:00 »
There would be a problem when using fullscreen visuals. I don't know how or why, but sometimes, when in fullscreen, XMPlay just closes. No errors, no crashes, no nothing. It just closes. Has anyone else had this problem?


  • Posts: 1163
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #64 on: 6 Apr '07 - 09:41 »
Cris, some visualizations apparently will do that. I didn't have many visses installed but when the fullscreen feature came to town, I went to the support site to download some of my old favorites. I ran all of them in fullscreen for a while and just said goodbye to any which did that. Most of CoR's stuff seems to work fine and fortunately, the Rabbit Hole does too. The 1.1 TEST that is, not the 1.0.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #65 on: 6 Apr '07 - 12:13 »
I read in the xmplay history :
* Support for embedded CUE sheets
Does this refer to tracks having the cue as part of their tags?
I am asking this because I tried playing such a track but xmplay  didn't recognize the cue.
Yes, CUE-sheets embedded in tags should be recognized. What filetype was it, and did the tag show up on the info/message tab?

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26252
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #66 on: 6 Apr '07 - 15:30 »
Ian is there a way to clear the 'Find Track' without the windows critical stop sound?

Here's an update with a "NoBeeps" secret INI setting to disable all beeping...

Btw, from now on, I've decided to increase the version number even in "stuff" versions (at least in the Options'n'stuff window). Release versions will be "3.4.x.0", while stuff versions will be "3.4.x.y".

The MOD year detect function needs some tweaking.
Bad year detection on landou 2.ft. Not sure if there's a way to automate that though. :|

I've tweaked it a bit (updated EXE above), so that it doesn't misdetect the year of that file.

1. There's a bug with output device naming in cyrillic:
2. There is a cosmetic bug with string's place in "Options and stuff":
3. There is a cosmetic bug with an end of time string in "Track info" dialog.

Please try the update above, and let me know if you still have these problems.

I have assigned F12 to minimize/restore from tray.
It minimizes ok, but doesn't restore.
It does if I assign other shortcut (I have tried ctrl + .)

Is that a global shortcut? It'll work when XMPlay is in focus, but it appears that Windows doesn't allow global hotkeys to use F12 - I guess it's already taken/reserved.

I read in the xmplay history :
* Support for embedded CUE sheets
Does this refer to tracks having the cue as part of their tags?
I am asking this because I tried playing such a track but xmplay  didn't recognize the cue.

Yep, it'll check APEv2 tags (and FLAC via the plugin) for a "Cuesheet" tag, as used by Wavpack (and FLAC) and maybe others. What format is your file? Please upload it to have a look at...

There would be a problem when using fullscreen visuals. I don't know how or why, but sometimes, when in fullscreen, XMPlay just closes. No errors, no crashes, no nothing. It just closes. Has anyone else had this problem?

Yep, some vis are a bit picky about the res they run at, particularly changing the res. If you have a plugin like that, you could try going fullscreen with another vis, and then switch to the picky one.

XMPlay should actually catch the vis crashing, but it'll then continue to run the vis, in the hope that it was a one-off :) ... Instead of doing that, it'll now unload the vis in the update above, which should avoid further problems (like XMPlay closing).


  • Posts: 232
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #67 on: 6 Apr '07 - 16:08 »
Yep, some vis are a bit picky about the res they run at, particularly changing the res. If you have a plugin like that, you could try going fullscreen with another vis, and then switch to the picky one.

XMPlay should actually catch the vis crashing, but it'll then continue to run the vis, in the hope that it was a one-off :) ... Instead of doing that, it'll now unload the vis in the update above, which should avoid further problems (like XMPlay closing).

OK, but the problem is I don't use only ONE visual, I use ALL visuals (In fact I'm using only one, Rappa, which uses the other ones). So it's kinda hard to see which visual behaves weird when I have about 100 of them ;D

Sometime before (I think sometime last year) I checked all of the visuals to see which one crashes, and I deleted some of them (about 10 or so...). The ones which I currently use worked fine then.
I don't know if this helps, but this problem usually appears when the song changes and that's why I assumed it's related to XMPlay (some kind of buffer error, because the fullscreen visuals use lots of CPU, especially Rappa which has some more effects and can run multiple visuals in the same time). Anyway, I'll try to test (again) the visuals, to see if any of them crashes.

My PC config: AMD Sempron 2600+, ~1,8GHz, 512 DDR, ATI Radeon 9250 (128 MB, 128 bits)

EDIT: Oh, and one more thing: Rappa also has the ability to catch the vis crashing, and many times it "saves the day". This is one more reason why I assumed that this problem is XMPlay related more, then visual related.
« Last Edit: 6 Apr '07 - 16:12 by Cris »


  • Posts: 723
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #68 on: 6 Apr '07 - 22:16 »
I read in the xmplay history :
* Support for embedded CUE sheets
Does this refer to tracks having the cue as part of their tags?
I am asking this because I tried playing such a track but xmplay  didn't recognize the cue.

Yep, it'll check APEv2 tags (and FLAC via the plugin) for a "Cuesheet" tag, as used by Wavpack (and FLAC) and maybe others. What format is your file? Please upload it to have a look at...

I have just finished uploading the file :"Covenant - United States of Mind" . I hope it helps.


  • Posts: 48
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #69 on: 7 Apr '07 - 00:20 »
As urwolf says, the library is not quite crashproof. If I enable directory monitoring for my +/- 3,000 track My Music directory, it will crash. Add chunks manually, little by little, and it's fine. Annoying, because directory monitoring is a very useful tool, especially for someone as forgetful as me ;-)


  • Posts: 1242
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #70 on: 7 Apr '07 - 02:47 »
Cris.. that is exactly the reason I stopped using Rappa three years ago. It consistently crashes XMPlay.

Also, Ian... Any chance of slowing down the Spectrum (3D) to 3.3-and-earlier levels? ;D


  • Posts: 1401
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #71 on: 7 Apr '07 - 05:15 »
Going fullscreen with Rabbithole still closes XMPlay here ::).


  • Posts: 156
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #72 on: 8 Apr '07 - 06:40 »
going to options>plugins crashes when loading 64th Note v1.2 beta 3. 
This does not happen with beta 1 of that plugin.


  • Posts: 4
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #73 on: 8 Apr '07 - 09:16 »
I'm mixing a couple of tracks here from artists I cherish (like Purple Motion or old tracking buddy Mick Rippon) and came upon something strange.

The sensitive ramping does not seem to be on when I'm using the WAV writer and seperating by instrument. I get a load of clicks that are not heard in the WAV writer output when I'm simply outputting the whole tune.

The tracks I tested this on are the S3M "Star Shine" by Purple Motion, Tamas Kingdom.mod and Mr House by Mick Rippon.

Notably most of these clicks occur when the instrument ends, not begins. Perhaps sensitive ramping needs to be active for the samples at the end if used in the WAV writers "Seperate Instrument" mode.


  • Posts: 535
Re: 3.4 reports, queries and bugs
« Reply #74 on: 8 Apr '07 - 09:38 »
XMPlay doesn't report MilkyTracker made XMs as such (even though they have MilkyTracker in the tracker field).