Author Topic: Suggestions for 3.5  (Read 579680 times)


  • Posts: 1247
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #50 on: 4 May '07 - 17:19 »
Wouldn't it be easier/better to just declare that track faulty and in need of being remade/fixed?


  • Posts: 535
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #51 on: 4 May '07 - 18:29 »
Wouldn't it be easier/better to just declare that track faulty and in need of being remade/fixed?

Well, Maxim just added replaygain support to VGM plugin, so I was really just posting this as a example.


  • Posts: 5
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #52 on: 6 May '07 - 11:34 »
When adding several albums to the playlist and only displaying track titles (not artist name), it is hard to see where one albums ends and another starts.

How about an option to add a small mark when a playlist file resides in a different folder than the file above it?
That's what I wanted to get with additional title formatting tags in playlist.
I've found some sort of solution. Press F5 to display extended playlist and then Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Down to go to currently playing song (display filenames in extended playlist should be toggled on).
If it's hard to do with tags, a keyboard shortcut to display title bubble with full filepath will be fine.
« Last Edit: 6 May '07 - 11:36 by grep »


  • Posts: 202
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #53 on: 6 May '07 - 19:46 »
Well, Maxim just added replaygain support to VGM plugin, so I was really just posting this as a example.
is the newest in_vgm.dll worth downloading?
since XMPlay has its own dynamic amplitude adjuster already...


  • Posts: 1247
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #54 on: 6 May '07 - 23:46 »
When adding several albums to the playlist and only displaying track titles (not artist name), it is hard to see where one albums ends and another starts.

How about an option to add a small mark when a playlist file resides in a different folder than the file above it?
That's what I wanted to get with additional title formatting tags in playlist.
I've found some sort of solution. Press F5 to display extended playlist and then Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Down to go to currently playing song (display filenames in extended playlist should be toggled on).
If it's hard to do with tags, a keyboard shortcut to display title bubble with full filepath will be fine.
You can bind toggle path/filename display in the playlist to a hotkey. List - Show filenames in ext. list


  • Posts: 1242
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #55 on: 7 May '07 - 18:01 »
I think I will re-register my request to "fix" the VBR display for MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files. In previous versions, it showed a "live" version of the bitrate (i.e., the bitrate display in the main window changed according to the rate of the currently-playing section of the file), but a couple versions ago (3.2? 3.1?) this stopped working and the main window only displays the average bitrate for the file.

Eye candy, I know... but I like eye candy and it does work with the MPC native plugin. ;D


  • Posts: 5
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #56 on: 8 May '07 - 15:24 »
You can bind toggle path/filename display in the playlist to a hotkey. List - Show filenames in ext. list
Yeah, I know. I want filepaths to be shown in main playlist. Or maybe some option to automatically center on current track in extended playlist. Than I can use extended playlist instead of main one (then it will be convenient to have extended playlist as separate window to have both playlist and file comments on screen at the same time).


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Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #57 on: 11 May '07 - 06:00 »
I have a few suggestions that I hope get implemented and arn't too hard...

-Ability to show the time in this form: TIME / TIME REMAINING.  I currently just see the time of a track, for example if I am at the 1:22 mark, but I don't know how long the song is.  It would be nice to see 1:22/4:23 or something, for example.  By the way, thank god I figured out how to get rid of those tenths digits, they were driving me crazy...

-I think the entire default interface is extremely clunky.  There is no reason to have 2 places for the playlist, and I think the drag out style of it is silly.  Some of the skins are nice, but there is only one problem with them.  The various windows of the program do not snap together, so it becomes an enormous hassle to drag it around.

-If the playlist is in focus, starting to type searches the playlist.  It is implemented perfectly in , it's even type as you go, and you see the results right away, but it's a very convienient to find stuff this way

-I didnt see this, maybe I'm just blind, but the ability of queue songs would be nice.  In the program I just mentioned, you just highlight the song and press "Ins" it will be queued, and designated on the playlist.

Billy was a great program, but hasn't been updated in years and won't be.  I hope I was clear lol


  • Posts: 1163
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #58 on: 11 May '07 - 07:33 »
You can queue a song (selection) from its context menu. The default keyboard shortcut for it seems to be ' . You can of course change this.
« Last Edit: 11 May '07 - 07:35 by raina »


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #59 on: 11 May '07 - 07:55 »
If you need to move around all the windows of Xmplay at the same time, go to "options and stuff", then "appearance" and check "move info window with main". You'll be able to move both of them around at the same time.

The thing about having 2 playlists... I'm with you on this one, since I never used the tiny one in the main window, only the "complete" one on info window...


  • Posts: 55
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #60 on: 11 May '07 - 22:19 »
-If the playlist is in focus, starting to type searches the playlist.  It is implemented perfectly in , it's even type as you go, and you see the results right away, but it's a very convienient to find stuff this way

i always dreamed with that...some add for the album - users, that software is soo cool that function

can be that? =D


  • Posts: 8
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #61 on: 12 May '07 - 12:32 »
I would like to be implemented the  support for multichannel.
I have a 5.1 system and some speakers have no sound. when I use Xmplay.
This would be great.


  • Posts: 842
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #62 on: 12 May '07 - 23:22 »
hilfer, tried the directsound output plugin?
As far as I've understood, it should then output to all channels, presuming your soundcard's drivers and whatnot can do it.

Also another fun and easy way to move main/info windows together without them always being enabled, drag with both mouse buttons down! ;D

And last, a suggestion of my own, a way to make URL grabber ignore certain URLs when copied to clipboard. For example, BBCs news are .stm and always end up on my list. ;D

Another, more bug-related note on same subject, sometimes XMP seems to lose its ability to clipboardwatch the URLs. Is fixed when box is unchecked and re-checked. Will investigate reasons why/when it might lose it later on.


  • Posts: 8
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #63 on: 12 May '07 - 23:35 »
Yes you are right.

With directsound I can hear all channels.



  • Posts: 258
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #64 on: 13 May '07 - 14:12 »
I have a few suggestions that I hope get implemented and arn't too hard...

-Ability to show the time in this form: TIME / TIME REMAINING.  I currently just see the time of a track, for example if I am at the 1:22 mark, but I don't know how long the song is.  It would be nice to see 1:22/4:23 or something, for example.  By the way, thank god I figured out how to get rid of those tenths digits, they were driving me crazy...
As far as i know, the main window does show the total time of the song (and has been case for ages) right below the song title and runing time, in the small potion where you can also see the file format.
You can also see the reamining running time by clicking once on the running time display (clicking once more will take you to frames/pages/orders depending on the file format).


  • Posts: 99
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #65 on: 17 May '07 - 10:28 »
very good suggestions

here is my little list:
1) better jump to file dialog (winamp's one is really good) or better find files way. Actually the problem i see now is having to use the mouse.   ???
Find as you type in playlist would rock.  ;)
2) editing tags (asked by many ppl) without needing media library. It's not good having to use another app (i.e. MediaMonkey).
3) not so important but possibility to setup/use all soundcard's audio channels would be good.

anyways XMPlay is still the best audio player imho  ;D

« Last Edit: 17 May '07 - 10:33 by sampler »


  • Posts: 1242
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #66 on: 17 May '07 - 18:11 »
The problem I see with "find as you type in playlist" is that Ian will have to disable all other shortcut functions in the playlist.

You can edit tags already if you have the proper input plugin for the file. XMPlay already has a built-in media library, so you don't have to use another program anyway.


  • Posts: 99
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #67 on: 18 May '07 - 12:17 »
thanks, i'll try it...

about find file i'd be happy if all could be done easily with the keyboard (in the existing dialog). so you write the song/artist you want to play/queue, move with cursors around them (if needed when more than one result) and press a key (i.e. Enter) to play and another to queue (i.e. Shift+Enter)...


  • Posts: 55
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #68 on: 19 May '07 - 03:02 »
an funtion that make the player makes an random playlist from the library (number...choose by the user -10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) and added to the playlist

i always dreamed with that function here


  • Posts: 17
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #69 on: 30 May '07 - 13:57 »
Another vote for some sort of rating system.

I'm another media monkey user who'd like to get away from that and use XMPlay more.  I use XMPlay at home to **listen** to tunes and media monkey to **manage** tunes.  In other words, I create playlists, sync my iRiver player, fix tags, etc., on MM.  But MM is way too clunky to use as an everyday player, and it's not as customizable, so I happily play my music with XMPlay.  I don't want XMPlay to get too bloated, so I'm willing to live with that system. 

So to my mind, any functions that enhance my ability to listen to music--like quickly finding and playing a song, quickly making a random playlist, rating a song as I'm listening to it--is worth adding to XMPlay.  Anything that gets into the territory of music management--like having a massive customizable database, converting tracks from one format to another, syncing with a player, etc.-- should be left to a music management program.

The tough part, of course, is figuring out what belongs in a player and what belongs in a management program.


  • Posts: 17
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #70 on: 30 May '07 - 16:01 »
Scroll track info in taskbar.


  • Guest
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #71 on: 30 May '07 - 22:25 »
Fix : 10's vis in list not work in fullscreen.


  • Posts: 1
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #72 on: 3 Jun '07 - 15:55 »
I've been getting up to date on XMPlay for a few days, love it. Big thanks to developers.

Since there seems to be healthy amount of suggestion posts, I'd like to bump/enhance the suggestions for a configurable option for "find as you type" within media library. What I think would be useful would be:

Example (Artist):
-Click column header of artist to sort ascending/descending.
-Library now senses that you're looking
-Type W
-XM jumps to first artist starting with W
-Type o o d
-XM Jumps to Wood Bros in my collection (or whomever)
-Once I click/select Woods Bros (artist or several artists) in the window, library only displays Wood Bros albums or albums of artists I've selected.
-If I click on album, then (only then) expand the entry and display the songs in the column.)

*You'd also need a "Clear" button somewhere to reset the library to allow another drill down...or sense for a doublclick on the Media Library window or some other quick method. Obviously closing the Media Library window would reset the drill down.

Humble apologies if this is exactly like anyone else's suggestion, just consider it another bump. I've read for 90 minutes and didn't see anything exactly like this example.
« Last Edit: 3 Jun '07 - 15:59 by dmcdayton »


  • Posts: 55
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #73 on: 3 Jun '07 - 19:12 »
i think... listen more to media monkey, i wanted to use itunes but i'm win 98, soon i will get xp and i donĀ“t want to change again  :(  i want all the cools function in xmplay


  • Posts: 723
Re: Suggestions for 3.5
« Reply #74 on: 15 Jun '07 - 09:55 »
1. Drag and drop capabilities :  not only drag files into xmplay but drag from library/playlist to other applications windows as well.

2. Add an option for full frequency range visualizations : up to 20khz or 22khz.
