Author Topic: Arrowed controls for sample-rate & quality?  (Read 11243 times)


  • Posts: 85
Arrowed controls for sample-rate & quality?
« on: 12 Oct '07 - 23:16 »
It would be nice if the encoder hat arrowed (spin) controls for the per-sample sample-rate and quality settings, since I usually start each sample at lowest quality and work upwards from there until the result is satisfactory. Only being able to correct the quality downwards is tedious. :(


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Arrowed controls for sample-rate & quality?
« Reply #1 on: 13 Oct '07 - 13:14 »
Only being able to correct the quality downwards is tedious
ever tried SHIFT-Clicking on a control? It will go a step down instead of a step up then.
Also, you could move the quality slider to "best compression" which should bring all samples to a very low quality so you can easily go up step by step :)


  • Posts: 1163
Re: Arrowed controls for sample-rate & quality?
« Reply #2 on: 13 Oct '07 - 14:07 »
Ah, didn't know about Shift-click either, when I last used MO3 I exchanged the lowest and highest quality values so the quality would go backwards when clicked.