Author Topic: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.7, source code)  (Read 189278 times)


  • Posts: 107
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis 0.9.3)
« Reply #25 on: 29 Nov '08 - 10:09 »
Another thing I noticed : when I press [Enter] in the Milkdrop playlist, I see the XMPlay playlist [F5] scrolling (slowly) to the selected song, and the playback only starts when the scrolling has reached the selected song.
Thats how my workaround for that feature works. It sends as many list-up or list-down commands are needed to reach the song to be selected and then sends the play-song command. As far as I know with the current XMPlay API I have no other choice.
But... for me it works quite well and fast on two different machines.
Guess you need to live without that feature until XMPlay API supports more commands.
(if Ian reads this and feels generous, the required command would be the winamp message IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS or something equivalent for the (DSP) plugin api)


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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis 0.9.3)
« Reply #26 on: 29 Nov '08 - 11:00 »
Thats how my workaround for that feature works. It sends as many list-up or list-down commands are needed to reach the song to be selected and then sends the play-song command.
Thanks for the information.
It works, but it's a bit slow (when XMPlay is playing song 1 and I select song 450, it takes 1-2 secs and Milkdrop is frozen). But I can live with that.
Thanks again.

PS : still, I hope Ian will feel generous ;)

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis 0.9.3)
« Reply #27 on: 2 Dec '08 - 16:52 »
Here's a generosity update :)

I'm not sure whether IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS is meant to scroll the playlist (if necessary) to bring the selected track into view; it currently doesn't, but let me know if it should.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis 0.9.3)
« Reply #28 on: 2 Dec '08 - 18:15 »
I'm not sure whether IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS is meant to scroll the playlist (if necessary) to bring the selected track into view; it currently doesn't, but let me know if it should.
I'd say it should when 'Follow current track' is ticked for the appropriate playlist view.


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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis 0.9.3)
« Reply #29 on: 3 Dec '08 - 10:36 »
Here's a generosity update :)

I'm not sure whether IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS is meant to scroll the playlist (if necessary) to bring the selected track into view; it currently doesn't, but let me know if it should.
Thanks Ian !!!!
Now waiting for Barna's update ;)

From my point of view (using Milkdrop), it's not necessary to scroll the play list.


  • Posts: 107
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #30 on: 3 Dec '08 - 15:14 »
Here's a generosity update :)

I'm not sure whether IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS is meant to scroll the playlist (if necessary) to bring the selected track into view; it currently doesn't, but let me know if it should.
Thanks! Works perfectly as expected ;-)

And here's the updated plugin:

The only plugin that uses the IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS is MilkDrop which directly sends a play command after the setplaylistpos (gets translated to XMPlay shortcut command 372 - List - Play). So I think its fine how it is now without scrolling, as the play command does it if 'follow current track' is set in the options.

Edit: updated this post also to rev.5 - another minor update :-)
« Last Edit: 4 Dec '08 - 17:01 by Barna »


  • Posts: 306
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #31 on: 4 Dec '08 - 18:47 »
Nice plugin!

The readme file says "The plugin also registers an XMPlay shortcut 'Winamp Visualisation on/off',
which toggles the running state of all plugins that have been set up." But where can I find this icon?

Also, I'm running the plugin with XPlay ver. on Windows 2000 Professional, using the Nullsoft AVS plugin, ver. 2.81d. If I run XMPlay with AVS, then close XMPlay and reopen, I will get a system "ding" sound when reopening XMPlay. I am able though to play my song and AVS works. Is this a known issue, or can I help somehow to troubleshoot this ding sound?



  • Posts: 258
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #32 on: 4 Dec '08 - 19:32 »
Nice plugin!

The readme file says "The plugin also registers an XMPlay shortcut 'Winamp Visualisation on/off',
which toggles the running state of all plugins that have been set up." But where can I find this icon?

Also, I'm running the plugin with XPlay ver. on Windows 2000 Professional, using the Nullsoft AVS plugin, ver. 2.81d. If I run XMPlay with AVS, then close XMPlay and reopen, I will get a system "ding" sound when reopening XMPlay. I am able though to play my song and AVS works. Is this a known issue, or can I help somehow to troubleshoot this ding sound?

It says "registers a shortcut" (as in a keyboard shortcut) not "adds a button". You should be able to access the shortcuts options from the options and stuff window.


  • Posts: 107
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #33 on: 4 Dec '08 - 19:43 »
Yeah the shortcut setting that you can configure is called "Winamp Visualisation on/off"

The warning-sound issue was unknown so far because I always run my OS's with any kind of annoying sounds completely disabled.
But... I know why the warning sound is being played while starting AVS.
The starting procedure of winamp visualisation plugins involves two steps. First it asks the plugin to create its own window (like MilkDrop does). If that fails (this is where the warning signal is being played) it opens a window for the plugin to render itself in. That is the reason why the wrapped AVS plugin has the XMPlay icon and MilkDrop for instance doesn't.
I'm currently still prefering MilkDrop doing its own window managment because its just simpler for the entire wrapping process. But yeah that signal sound is stupid so I might either change to always managed window or add an option... Not sure when I'll find time to do that though. Tell me how much it annoys you :-)


  • Posts: 306
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #34 on: 4 Dec '08 - 20:31 »
Yeah the shortcut setting that you can configure is called "Winamp Visualisation on/off"

The warning-sound issue was unknown so far because I always run my OS's with any kind of annoying sounds completely disabled.
But... I know why the warning sound is being played while starting AVS.
The starting procedure of winamp visualisation plugins involves two steps. First it asks the plugin to create its own window (like MilkDrop does). If that fails (this is where the warning signal is being played) it opens a window for the plugin to render itself in. That is the reason why the wrapped AVS plugin has the XMPlay icon and MilkDrop for instance doesn't.
I'm currently still prefering MilkDrop doing its own window managment because its just simpler for the entire wrapping process. But yeah that signal sound is stupid so I might either change to always managed window or add an option... Not sure when I'll find time to do that though. Tell me how much it annoys you :-)

Great! Thanks for the explanation! Personally I only run vis plugins occasionally, so its not a big deal for me. Considering though that the majority of users would have system sounds on, it might be considered a general annoyance that should be addressed.


  • Posts: 216
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis 0.9)
« Reply #35 on: 15 Mar '09 - 06:21 »
The native vis system is only available to input plugins. Currently, the MIDI and AHX plugins make use of it. I guess a native vis plugin system could be something for 3.5 :)

Which visualization does the MIDI plugin add?

I know it has been mentioned, but it would be cool to have the ability to stuff Milkdrop2, AVS, etc. into XMPlay's Visuals tab.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis 0.9)
« Reply #36 on: 15 Mar '09 - 10:30 »
Which visualization does the MIDI plugin add?
xmp-ahx adds a pattern viewer for AHX (similar to the MOD pattern viewer) and xmp-midi adds a visual to display karaoke lyrics.


  • Posts: 1163
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #37 on: 15 Mar '09 - 20:55 »
xmp-ahx adds a pattern viewer for AHX (similar to the MOD pattern viewer)

+on the flipside, a pretty articulate note dote view.


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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #38 on: 7 Nov '09 - 23:28 »
Very good plugin but i dont know save options in milkdrop 2 config window, if i change some options... it always remember the default configuration and i dont have posibility to change the options in this menu. Do you do anything for solve this? Sorry for my english, im spanish user. salute  ;)


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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #39 on: 13 Nov '09 - 18:07 »
This works great for Milkdrop, but I am having some trouble with SSpectrA (an audio spectrum analzer).  On XP it works just fine.  On Vista it runs - and displays in alt-tab. But NOT on the screen. Any ideas?

Thanks for your work regardless.


  • Posts: 144
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #40 on: 15 Feb '10 - 04:54 »
Not working with the latest Milkdrop. :( It is now dependent on Microsoft.VC90.CRT dynamic library which is not being correctly loaded by XMPlay and that causes two errors.

First from XMPlay:

And second from Barna's plugin:

Here's an archive with both the latest version of Milkdrop+presets and Microsoft.VC90.CRT dll-file:

P.S. I also have a lot of C++ redistributables already installed:
« Last Edit: 15 Feb '10 - 05:07 by Auren »


  • Posts: 2787
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #41 on: 15 Feb '10 - 06:20 »
Isn't that the same reason why the latest versions of in_mp3 and in_ogg can't be used to tag files in XMPlay anymore? Dunno if anything can be done about that.


  • Posts: 306
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #42 on: 22 Oct '10 - 21:35 »
I decided to try this plugin again and I'm observing that it works fine on my Win7 x64 system for running Advanced Visual Studio v2.83, by selecting vis_avs.dll in Winamp's directory.

If you're having some trouble getting this to work, try running the MS DirectX Web Updater in order to install missing DirectX files on your system.

I'm still having trouble getting Milkdrop 2.2 to run though. I get a missing dll error (msvcr90.dll). Even after installing this dll in the same directory as the vis dll, I get an error about msvcr90.dll failing to load correctly. The plugin runs fine in Winamp.

Chinese Sausage

  • Posts: 424
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #43 on: 23 Oct '10 - 02:38 »
So far I have Milkdrop v2.0e, which works fine. Is it very different from 2.2?


  • Posts: 306
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #44 on: 24 Oct '10 - 02:43 »
So far I have Milkdrop v2.0e, which works fine. Is it very different from 2.2?
Thanks, v2.0e works great. Stunning visuals. I don't know what 2.2 offers over 2.0e, but I'm finding posts that others are having trouble getting this plugin to work in players other than Winamp.


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #45 on: 26 Oct '10 - 10:27 »
putting msvcr90.dll in the windows/system32/ directory eliminates one of the two errors. I suppose it just miss the other libs. I'll do some testing.

nope, can't load it or get rid of that R6034, which is something having to do with .manidest stuff; being not a programmer, I abandon :P
« Last Edit: 26 Oct '10 - 12:58 by piovrauz »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #46 on: 27 Oct '10 - 16:42 »
The problem is that the VIS_MILK2.DLL file doesn't have an embedded "manifest" to tell Windows what MSVCR90.DLL version it needs, so it'll just use whatever the EXE is using, but XMPlay doesn't use MSVCR90.DLL. It is possible to fix that by adding a "manifest" to the DLL via the Manifest Tool. If you would like to do that, save this to a file called "manifest" in the same directory...

Code: [Select]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'>
      <assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='Microsoft.VC90.CRT' version='9.0.21022.8' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b' />

And then run this...

Code: [Select]
mt.exe -manifest manifest -outputresource:vis_milk2.dll;2


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #47 on: 29 Oct '10 - 12:32 »
mmm, done as instructed, and indeed it works now. too bad you've got to dl a whole SDK for it XD.
btw, is it ok to attach the dll (the milkdrop one) to the post? or you didn't do it with a reason behind?
« Last Edit: 29 Oct '10 - 14:36 by piovrauz »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #48 on: 29 Oct '10 - 16:18 »
Give a man a patched plugin and he has a working plugin, but teach a man to patch a plugin and he has working plugins for life :)


  • Posts: 1020
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #49 on: 29 Oct '10 - 16:49 »
Yup, this way we can fix all the plugins that have this issue, and possible future version too. Too bad the SDK is so damn big, expecially compared to the plugin size.
Thanks a lot for the instructions, easy to use even for me (tehehe).