Author Topic: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.7, source code)  (Read 189279 times)

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #75 on: 24 Nov '15 - 14:01 »
That is wrong..
The Exe File which used VIS_MILK2 should have a Manifest for the DLL
not the DLL it self.

I don't see how an EXE/DLL is supposed to know what runtime version another DLL will need. And what happens if there's another DLL that needs yet another runtime version? XMP-WAVIS.DLL uses the generic MSVCRT.DLL runtime (which doesn't require a manifest), while VIS_MILK2.DLL uses the MSVCR90.DLL runtime (which does require a manifest). It looks like Microsoft have gone back to the old system for more recent runtimes, so only MSVCR80.DLL (Visual C++ 2005) and MSVCR90.DLL (Visual C++ 2008) need manifests. Dependency Walker can be used to check whether a plugin is using either of those runtimes.


  • Posts: 501
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #76 on: 24 Nov '15 - 14:31 »
You can use Dependency Walker to check whether a plugin is using either of those runtimes.
i have written Bass_Vis and work with Visualization more then 8 Year
Bass_Vis work with all Option from any VisPlugin to "IN and OUT" i never use any Manifest inside Bass_Vis.
Also any Exe which used Bass_Vis as Wrapper for Visualization then the EXE must have a Manifest when use VIS_MILK2 for Winamp 5.
If not VIS_MILK2 will not RUN.

You can use Manifest inside the EXE or external as MyExeName.Manifest.
Add a Manifest inside XMP-WAVIS.DLL is not correctly.

ok.. no Problem, no source of  "XMP-WAVIS" so you can nothing Change or finish missing Action for Visualization.
and using XMP-WAVIS of your own risk.

latest Milkdrop no longer use MSVCR90.DLL runtime so a manifest is not needed
latest Milkdrop use Mousewheel support for Option Dialog which is not Support by XMP-WAVIS (Option Config Dialog will also not run)
and so on...

« Last Edit: 24 Nov '15 - 17:09 by EWeiss »


  • Posts: 317
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #77 on: 24 Feb '16 - 12:31 »
was somebody able to load Milkdrop 2.25 it seems the last version and the author offer the source code on its site, but i have found it compiled out there..... The problem the xmp-wavis doesnt load it, and it isnt visible on the list....


  • Posts: 317
Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #78 on: 4 Mar '16 - 21:08 »
I have so far detected that when using some winamp vis plugins, and we use the mouse click over the progress bar on the xmplay, sometimes instant off, and other after some minutes, both xmplay and plugins get fully locked.

I have requested by MP to the xmp-wavis author some revision but also i want to know the Ian's opinion about this.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Winamp Visualisations in XMPlay (xmp-wavis rev.5)
« Reply #79 on: 7 Mar '16 - 16:11 »
I have never really used the xmp-wavis plugin myself, so I'm not familiar with what could be going wrong. But, if you upload a dump file from when it's stuck, I will check if that reveals anything. You can use Task Manager's "Create Dump File" option to generate a dump file once XMPlay and the plugin have gotten stuck, and then ZIP and upload it here:


  • Posts: 107
Hey there
Not sure if anyone is still interested, but 5 years after I promised it, I finally cleaned up and uploaded the source code of this plugin and xmp-coverart.

The new build available on the github releases page was briefly tested on Windows 10 with the latest XMPlay.
I tried the newest Milkdrop2 (which has become open source in the meantime as well) but it sometimes freezes for me. Older Milkdrop2 versions still run fine as far as I can tell.

Sorry for being (very) late with this, but life got in the way I guess.


  • Posts: 1020
Nice, thanks for releasing it.

I still use the old version, and I'll check this one too.

Now, were are all there coders?  ;D 
« Last Edit: 30 Aug '19 - 11:48 by piovrauz »

Ian @ un4seen

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Thanks for the plugin update Barna. It's up on the XMPlay support site now too.


  • Posts: 306
Hey there
Not sure if anyone is still interested, but 5 years after I promised it, I finally cleaned up and uploaded the source code of this plugin and xmp-coverart.

The new build available on the github releases page was briefly tested on Windows 10 with the latest XMPlay.
I tried the newest Milkdrop2 (which has become open source in the meantime as well) but it sometimes freezes for me. Older Milkdrop2 versions still run fine as far as I can tell.

Sorry for being (very) late with this, but life got in the way I guess.
Thanks! I ran the Milkdrop 2.24 and Winamp AVS 1.81d visualizations with this for some time and experienced no crashes.


  • Posts: 1020
Let's resurrect this, since it's something I experienced while running milkdrop 2.24 and xmplay using xmp-wavis!

While listening to a radio stream ( I noticed the title  shown is not correct.

Basically I don't see the title of the currently played song, but the stream title.

Winamp shows it correctly.

The title is shown correctly on the main xmplay windows.

The question: how to fix this? Can something be done? Is it a xmp-wavis issue?

It's an annoyance at most, but it would be nice to have this fixed.

Ian @ un4seen

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  • Posts: 26254
I'm guessing that the Winamp vis is sending a IPC_GETPLAYLISTTITLE request (to the vis wrapper) to get the playlist entry's title. The difference is that Winamp sets the playlist entry's title to the Shoutcast song title, while XMPlay keeps them separate (native plugins can request either title). Perhaps an option could be added to the vis wrapper to give the song title instead of the playlist title? I notice in the source code (here) that it is already getting the song title elsewhere.


  • Posts: 1020
Nothing I can do then (no coder here), except hope someone will work on it.


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Cannot install this!

In what XMplay versions works? I tried the new one version 4 also the oldest even 3.4 nothing works