Hmm im not sure what a picturebox is. Are you using Delphi? I think you should be able to paint the visualization to any windows control that has a window handle. Could you paste some of your source code here so I could figure out the problem?
Actually it was not a picturebox control now that i looked into the code, it was a Label control, I've tried Panel too, still nothing though, I guess this is not the issue.
I am using Sonique visualizations, using c# with Bass.NET wrapper...
I call:
bool init = BassSfx.BASS_SFX_Init(Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(typeof(Application).Module), this.Handle);
IntPtr hVisDC = Win32.GetDC(panelVis.Handle);
int viswidth = panelVis.Width;
int visheight = panelVis.Height;
int hSFX = BassSfx.BASS_SFX_PluginCreate(vispath, viswidth, visheight);
bool pluginstarted = BassSfx.BASS_SFX_PluginStart(hSFX);
bool bassrender = BassSfx.BASS_SFX_PluginRender(hSFX, Music.strm, hVisDC);
evrything returns true, hSFX is non-zero, PluginStart and PluginRender both return true, but no visual in my control...