Author Topic: NRPN Support  (Read 3844 times)

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #50 on: 24 Oct '23 - 13:48 »
Some indicators of demand for AWE32 NRPN would be seeing it used in new MIDI files and supported by other software/synths. But it seems unlikely now that AWE32 NRPN will ever become popular, as it doesn't appear to have been used very much even back when everyone had a SoundBlaster, so it's probably best not to get your hopes up for it!


  • Posts: 34
Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #51 on: 25 Oct '23 - 10:07 »
Well, lucky for you I just found ten MIDI files that use AWE32 NRPN's and can probably look up some more. Also, SynthFont has had AWE32 NRPN for a year now. AWE32 NRPN are needed for electronic music, like electronica, techno, and trance. That is not really the case, as three to four composers made these ten MIDI files with AWE32 NRPN's. Can BASSMIDI support it ?

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #52 on: 25 Oct '23 - 17:30 »
When I said there are currently no plans for AWE32 NRPN support but perhaps that'll change in future, I didn't mean a couple of weeks later :)

If you can provide more example MIDI files, that may help in future but I'm afraid there are still no plans for it right now.


  • Posts: 34
Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #53 on: 27 Oct '23 - 07:59 »
So if not a couple weeks later than how long will it take to put full AWE32 NRPN support in BASSMIDI and what can I help with that ?

Let me know when you need more AWE32 NRPN MIDI files, but why is there still no have plans for this and what is the hold up ?


  • Posts: 2222
Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #54 on: 27 Oct '23 - 12:10 »
Ian will develop with priorities and size of demand. There here much other Libs here which have a bigger size of demand.
I´m here now over 21 Years and you are the first user which ask of AWE32 Support here in the Forum.
So you have to wait till here comes a bigger Demand of AWE32 NRPN.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #55 on: 27 Oct '23 - 13:35 »
So if not a couple weeks later than how long will it take to put full AWE32 NRPN support in BASSMIDI and what can I help with that ?

Let me know when you need more AWE32 NRPN MIDI files, but why is there still no have plans for this and what is the hold up ?

I just don't think AWE32 NRPN currently warrants the amount of time that it'd take to implement properly, nor to be given priority over other things. Right now it's probably best to assume that it'll never happen. Then if it does happen, it'll be a nice surprise.


  • Posts: 34
Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #56 on: 28 Oct '23 - 22:06 »
Yes that makes sense and is the best way to work. What do you mean by 'Libs' and which ones have a bigger size of demand ?
I see and that is a very long time but someone else did ask for AWE32 NRPN here and the link is in this thread
But there may never be a bigger demand for AWE32 NRPN, what to do then ?

I just don't think AWE32 NRPN currently warrants the amount of time that it'd take to implement properly, nor to be given priority over other things. Right now it's probably best to assume that it'll never happen. Then if it does happen, it'll be a nice surprise.

Well, if you tell me how I can help then maybe AWE32 NRPN will not take so long to add into BASSMIDI right away, what has more priority for you over this ? That is not a good thing to assume and hope this will change soon. Can I do anything for this surprise to happen ?


  • Posts: 34
Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #57 on: 1 Nov '23 - 07:19 »
Can someone tell me what are 'Libs" and which ones have a big size of demand ? And what is something that has more priority over AWE32 NRPN's ?

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: NRPN Support
« Reply #58 on: 1 Nov '23 - 13:10 »
And what is something that has more priority over AWE32 NRPN's ?

The next BASS and XMPlay releases, to name 2 things. If you absolutely need AWE32 NRPN support now then I'm afraid you will have to look elsewhere. I'm locking this thread now, as everything has been said and we're now just repeating ourselves.