Author Topic: XMPlay plugin creation question  (Read 1814 times)


  • Posts: 21
XMPlay plugin creation question
« on: 19 Sep '20 - 10:13 »
Hi, can I use something different than C/C++ to write XMPlay plugins? Can I use any language which compiles to a Win32 DLL? Ideaully I would use DotNet but I assume that its not possible.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: XMPlay plugin creation question
« Reply #1 on: 19 Sep '20 - 19:40 »
In the end, the DLL has to export certain functions using a specific calling convention, so as long as the language in question supports creating function with that calling convention (which would be required for that language to be able to interact with the WinAPI, too), it should be fine. Here's a plugin written in C#, maybe you can use that as a starting point:


  • Posts: 21
Re: XMPlay plugin creation question
« Reply #2 on: 20 Sep '20 - 16:56 »
Wow! So plugins can be createdi n C#? Great! Also, where is the SDK? I searched but could not find


  • Posts: 2787
Re: XMPlay plugin creation question
« Reply #3 on: 20 Sep '20 - 18:32 »
It's at the very bottom of the XMPlay page. From what I can see, the aforementioned plugin uses a C++ <-> C# bridge, so the actual plugin is implemented using C# but C++ is used to communicate between C# and XMPlay.