Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 80490 times)


  • Posts: 989
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #25 on: 13 Nov '01 - 18:33 »
By "not supported" I mean, that the icon won't be displayed at its full size - it will be resized to fit 32x32 pixels or, if you have set "Big Icons" in your display settings, to 48x48 - in all Windows versions.
I have created a new XMPlay2-Icon which you can have a look at here. It contains seperate images for 16x16 (small Explorer view) and 32x32 pixels (Desktop size).

And, Ian, I program for myself (Delphi) and therefore I know that INI-file creating and accessing is even easier than to access the Reg  :P ;) I think this will be similar to C++ (or whatever you're using) :)
Not to mention the advantage that you don't explicitely have to export (and import) your registry everytime you changed something, but just start the program and have yer settings.
« Last Edit: 13 Nov '01 - 18:40 by RahDick »

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #26 on: 13 Nov '01 - 22:15 »
I guess its just a matter of opinion.

I'm a fan of the amiga and c64 days, so I'm using to single file progs, that put all there config files in one place or where I tell it to. :)

Which is one reason I like XMplay, among other programs like Popcorn (email client), are small fast bloat-free programs which I thought was'nt possible on windows unless you programmed it in assembly(or were incredibly good at c++).

If you like I can knock up a program which, when run, it exports the xmplay config, would that be easier.


Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #27 on: 13 Nov '01 - 22:17 »
It fact why not just write up a .bat file instead.

Double click, done.

Maybe even put it in the startup, so its backed-up every time you boot.

« Last Edit: 13 Nov '01 - 22:19 by KelticDanor »

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #28 on: 14 Nov '01 - 17:36 »
I noticed one thing a bit strange.

If I use WAV-writer (or anything else in xmplay), if I then try and convert it into an ogg using oggdrop it produces an error.

Using other progs works fine, is this with oggdrop(and oggenc) or xmplay. Also is the Output Error with the "?" supposed to popup if you press cancel on writing a wav.

Here's maybe a couple of miscellaneous idea's:

- an option to disable tool-tips
- an option for xmplay to be always on top (even in normal mode)

Just some frivolity. ;D

Oh, by the way I found a svp that xmplay would'nt recognise (unless it's a broken one, in which case oh well. :) )

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #29 on: 14 Nov '01 - 17:48 »
There's also a problem with some mp3 files that it misreads the file on loading them into the playlist.

For example I load 5 mp3's into a list, if any of them use ID3 tag v2 that I use, instead of the file name it will appear as:
AudioTrack09.mp3 instead of SoLikeARose.mp3

This is what it originally was, so it seems to be misreading any ID3 V2 tag, I can upload an example mp3 if you like.
« Last Edit: 14 Nov '01 - 17:55 by KelticDanor »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #30 on: 15 Nov '01 - 22:22 »
Could be that the file has conflicting ID3v2 and ID3v1 tags... upload away :)

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #31 on: 18 Nov '01 - 10:54 »
There we go, I uploaded the MP3, I botched it up the first time, sorry bout that.

I also uploaded a svp that aparantly is a bit dodgy with XMplay, no biggy, just thought you'd like to see it.

To see whats wrong with the mp3 just open it up with a few other songs.
« Last Edit: 18 Nov '01 - 10:55 by KelticDanor »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #32 on: 18 Nov '01 - 11:33 »
Yep, it indeed has conflicting ID3v2 and ID3v1 tags :)

When you first add it to the list it says the title according to the ID3v2 tag, and then when you play it, it says the title according to the ID3v1 tag.

I've already changed XMPlay to always use the ID3v1 title over any ID3v2 version for the next release.

That SVP file is actually a ZIP file, unzip it and it'll work :)
« Last Edit: 18 Nov '01 - 11:38 by Ian @ un4seen »

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #33 on: 18 Nov '01 - 21:01 »

So it was just zipped, I probably should have looked at that, oh well, it works fine ;D (although, it seems I already had it, bummer huh :P )

Oh and by the way, if anyone interested, I'm trying to write a bass plugin for ghisler (unless ofcourse someone else has it in the works as well). Just wondering how you want it to work.


  • Posts: 652
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #34 on: 18 Nov '01 - 21:37 »
Well, nice from you to take it :) I think we need a play-and-pause button, some information displayed with a scrollbar, and switch between types of info... or something like that.
And a seeking bar we need too.

Thanks ^_^

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #35 on: 26 Nov '01 - 11:13 »
Windows Commander (Ghisler) does not at this current time support audio plugins.

At the moment it uses Media Player with mci codecs to play mp3/anything in lister, but that's it.

So unfortunately this means, I can't write a plugin for it.

Maybe in a later release of windows commander, or with a different explorer replacement. But until then, no go I'm afraid.


  • Posts: 652
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #36 on: 26 Nov '01 - 16:40 »
Mentioned this to Christian too? He might as well implement audio plugin support to 4.55 or something.

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #37 on: 27 Nov '01 - 11:53 »
That info was from christian himself, and he did'nt say anything about any future implentation of audio plugin support.

So I would'nt have a clue about the whether he's considering it or not. I doubt it though. :-/

Actually, while we're on the topic of audio support. Any chance of using the sidplay2.dll for sid tunes. ;D
« Last Edit: 27 Nov '01 - 12:01 by KelticDanor »


  • Posts: 652
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #38 on: 27 Nov '01 - 18:37 »
Yea! SID 6581!! I wanna I wanna I wanna! ;D ;D ;D

Well, silly Ghisler hasn't even heard about XMPlay -- not even the old one --, just that icky WinAmp... so what do we expect ;)

Ian, any kind of reaction for the Speed/Tempo display?
About the Add to list button... I kinda liked the old way of working, someone liking autoplay of tracks doesn't necessarily want to clear his/her list on any newly added file. I also don't feel like right clicking to delete duplicates, there should be an option for automation of this event (just as for the verification of the files).

As for the playlist views... umm, mind initialising them in a way so that the selected song is shown? For example, my 138th song on the list is selected when XMPlay starts, because it was the last one played, and still, both playlists will initialise to 1st row. Could XMPlay also remember whether the info window had been open before exiting and which view had been active in it?

That's all for now I think.

Well, a small addition here. In Mini mode, there is a bright line right below the counter. how about colouring it according to the position in the song so we can see how long a song is actually?
And please do something about the window, I can't see whether it is active or not... Like, recolour the XMPlay and title texts and the minimize/exit buttons... or something ;)
« Last Edit: 28 Nov '01 - 00:12 by Ralesk »


  • Guest
« Reply #39 on: 19 Aug '03 - 10:26 »
Some times ago I think about:
"Why music bothers".
And I was occurred with idea:
"New instrument in pattern must to start
with some time before or some time after by
small random value, than need. I think
that every time music will differ and will
create the effect of alive sounding"
If it's no origial idea, i wont to listen
player with such algorithm.


  • Posts: 59
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #40 on: 19 Aug '03 - 13:05 »

That pretty much summed it all up for me.


  • Posts: 1401
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #41 on: 19 Aug '03 - 19:25 »
What's this? Couldn't you find a "Suggestions"-thread any older than this :laugh:?

Anyway, an interesting idea, samsped, although I have no use for it myself :).


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #42 on: 20 Aug '03 - 01:48 »
well, i'm an ex-xmplay user, but here is my suggestion, which is also the may reason why i switched to foobar:

Sooner or later (sooner would be better) i think a redesign of the GUI is neccessary(yep, it would break all skins).

The current horizontal drawers idea doesn't work IMHO.

Here's my idea of how to redesign the GUI:

No more horizontal drawers.

ONE vertical drawer(either upwards or downwards/option in preferences) which is vertically resizable. This drawer could have a dropdown menu somewhere where you can switch between different modes(playlist, output, plug(ged)in-modes, etc.).

Well, thats about it already. Simply but IMHO working solution: one vertically resizable drawer upwards/downwards for everything.

- Lyx

(still using MO3 for modules, using the bass-plugin for foobar - so i'm not completely away from :)


  • Posts: 315
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #43 on: 20 Aug '03 - 06:54 »
u st00p1d l4mR! h0zironal dr4wyars r4wx!!!!!!!! GO F URsLEF ..,,.,,HARD!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Heh. Kidding!

Heh, trust me, this is obvious. Actually *eyes Ian with laser beams* the bottom portion of the old default skin was supposed to be an expandable playlist, but something must've gotten lost in the US-to-Brit translation.  >=]

BUT, luckily, we're a little ahead of you. I'm sure all the skin-whores around here are doing the same thing I am - making a possible 3.0 default.  =P


  • Posts: 1401
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #44 on: 23 Aug '03 - 13:28 »
Hmm.. I don't really see the horizontal drawers a problem, since I don't much use them anymore. See, the drawers can't actually be any major issue, because they aren't needed for any function; the playlist is conveniently big in the info window and options have their own dialog now.

But anyway, I had a little suggestion of my own: A playing history, that would show something like 10-20 last played tracks. This would be good for those of us, who like big playlists with 'random play order' checked - sometimes you'd like to know what has been played recently :).


  • Posts: 49
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #45 on: 24 Aug '03 - 19:53 »
Btw, @Ian: I noticed that the XMP-Icon is 64x64 pixels - may I tell you that the biggest "legal" icon format is 48x48 (24bit)?

That's wrong. Windows XP, in "Thumbnail View", supports up to 72x72 pixels icons. The icon-file should therefore have the following formats: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 72x72. Also, each format should have both 256 color and "Windows XP color" (almost the same as true color) versions.

The current icon is imho not good enough.


  • Posts: 49
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #46 on: 24 Aug '03 - 20:03 »
I also find the playlist window to not be good enough. I would like it to be a seperate window which can be fully navigated by the keyboard. I don't care much about searchability and other options, I just want the window to be more managable.



  • Posts: 315
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #47 on: 24 Aug '03 - 20:25 »

I've hacked into your system and changed all instances of xmplay on your harddrives to support this feature. Oh, btw while I was playin around I also gave you Sobig, Nimda, Blast (and re-enabled RPC DCOM and unblocked all the relevant ports), and also 3 of my favorite boot sector and bios-resident viruses [xortam7 (bios), quatloo (hd) and mcbain (hd)]. Dont try to run any antivirus though because I've also added a sweet little sub to your kernel that can detect every known virus scanner program known to myself (and this includes all non-American/non-English programs, too, so dont even try it) and will automatically fdisk all your partitions and write to your bios a tiny routine to do nothing but play the Digimon theme in loop while spinning down your fans and burning up your processor.

So, I guess in order to keep your system safe you'll have to RTFM. Which stands for: Rotate The Fans Manually.

Have a good one!


  • Posts: 1401
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #48 on: 24 Aug '03 - 22:35 »
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Ok.. So, not to be overly rude and to ensure that things get understood: Vesh is saying that you should Read The F*cking Manual and learn that the playlist is already very managable via keyboard. So it'd be best to check xmplay.txt before posting suggestions ;).

Oh, and I'm not really sure if you already knew (your post seemed to hint at 'not' ::)), but the info window works as a separate playlist, that's resizable and all.
« Last Edit: 24 Aug '03 - 22:36 by Pike84 »


  • Posts: 315
Re: Suggestions
« Reply #49 on: 25 Aug '03 - 00:24 »
So, not to be overly rude and to ensure that things get understood...

Nuttin rude about it. Actually, I thank you for taking the time to explain it as I kinda forgot to, myself. :D