Author Topic: SIDex plugin  (Read 29008 times)


  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #50 on: 5 Aug '21 - 01:40 »
Just checking back in. Plugin v1.1 works great with everything I've thrown at it. Absolutely magic, no bugs, no additional requests.

Flawless work.



  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #51 on: 19 Aug '21 - 20:27 »

hello all , i had a few hours spare today and ported  sidex to visual studio with latest libsidplay lib build into visual studio no lbgcc etc so the file size greatly reduced when built ( think it is around 160k compiled )  even more shaved off with petite pack, need some testers to make sure it works ok for everyone then i will release it as .1.2 , if not i will fix what is reported first can someone test this to make sure it works ok , windows compile with some extra features ( surround , voice muting etc.)
see screenshot. file attached


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #52 on: 20 Aug '21 - 12:23 »
hi Keltic Danor, i did try to reply to your pm but unfortunately there sempt to be a problem with sent messages , not sure if you received the message i sent.

sourcecode xmp-sidex + libsidplayfp for visual studio 2017

unpack to C:\xmplaysid

launch C:\xmplaysid\xmp-sid\xmp-sid.sln and build.

edit : added latest build : xmp-sidex.dll libsidplay 2.2.2 ( fixed low volume 8580 )

edit : fixed surround ( now much deeper sounding )

file attached.

have fun. :)
« Last Edit: 20 Aug '21 - 12:45 by Malade »


  • Posts: 37
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #53 on: 23 Aug '21 - 14:13 »

eed some testers to make sure it works ok for everyone then i will release it as .1.2 , if not i will fix what is reported first can someone test this to make sure it works ok , windows compile with some extra features ( surround , voice muting etc.)

very audible *pop* sound with plugin 1.2 at the start of the tune/subtune.. tried to play about with fade in but not really making much change..
switched back and forth between 1.1 and 1.2 couple of times testing various tunes..   not entirely sure if fade in works on 1.2 at all??

can't get my head around why channel selector has 3 sid chips there each with 3 voices? and not just 1 or two (for dual sid tunes).

will test some more in the evening..



  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #54 on: 23 Aug '21 - 14:37 »

eed some testers to make sure it works ok for everyone then i will release it as .1.2 , if not i will fix what is reported first can someone test this to make sure it works ok , windows compile with some extra features ( surround , voice muting etc.)

very audible *pop* sound with plugin 1.2 at the start of the tune/subtune.. tried to play about with fade in but not really making much change..
switched back and forth between 1.1 and 1.2 couple of times testing various tunes..   not entirely sure if fade in works on 1.2 at all??

can't get my head around why channel selector has 3 sid chips there each with 3 voices? and not just 1 or two (for dual sid tunes).

will test some more in the evening..

Hi ,
      i will look into the pop at the start thank's for letting me know ,  each sid chip has 3 voices voice0 voice1 and voice2 , 3 voices per chip is a total of 9 voice toggles for the 3 emulated sids.
 in hvsc there are 3 sid tunes as well as dual (2)sid tunes  3 sid chips are emulated to accommodate the 1 sid , 2 sid , and 3 sid tunes.

thank's for testing.


  • Posts: 2
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #55 on: 23 Aug '21 - 20:16 »
I get a crash in v1.2 when changing HVSC path (no such issue with v1.1).


Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #56 on: 24 Aug '21 - 09:54 »
hi Keltic Danor, i did try to reply to your pm but unfortunately there sempt to be a problem with sent messages , not sure if you received the message i sent.

sourcecode xmp-sidex + libsidplayfp for visual studio 2017
have fun. :)

Hey mate,

Yep, the messages worked just fine thanks for that, I've downloaded everything but haven't had the chance to take much of a look at it yet hopefully later this week and see how it goes. 8)


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #57 on: 25 Aug '21 - 22:55 »
I get a crash in v1.2 when changing HVSC path (no such issue with v1.1).


    i looked into that it seems i hardcoded the path while i was testing a faster way of reading the stil info. , i will re-fix it for the next release.

  and thanks for letting me know.


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #58 on: 25 Aug '21 - 23:08 »
hi Keltic Danor, i did try to reply to your pm but unfortunately there sempt to be a problem with sent messages , not sure if you received the message i sent.

sourcecode xmp-sidex + libsidplayfp for visual studio 2017
have fun. :)

Hey mate,

Yep, the messages worked just fine thanks for that, I've downloaded everything but haven't had the chance to take much of a look at it yet hopefully later this week and see how it goes. 8)

Hey Buddy,

Hows it going , regarding the source: have fun with it. :)
ps. Love the sound of the 64 , only have 2 real hardwares and i am not always able to get to the c64's its at the other place, cant beat it listening on real ( one has a sidfx with 8580 and 6581 chips ) hardware , the other has only one 6581 which tbh still sounds amazing.

back on topic: i think the next thing for the plugin is a dual sid option with a choice of chip type for each sid, if i get the time i will add that , c64 real hardware VERSUS this plugin with the latest libsidplayfp this plugin comes a close second. might add vic II display noise as well if i get the time, think the better way would be to sample my c64's and mix it in the output of the plugin, also take a look into fixing the strange octave bug in some of these latest libsidplayfp's im not sure but i do not think it was there in the earlier libsidplays , im going to take a look at it when i can.

Thanks for the great work , keep it up , all the best. :)


  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #59 on: 2 Sep '21 - 00:30 »
Great to see ongoing development! No idea why this topic didn't autonotify me of the recent new replies though.
Will wait for the pop-fixed new build and check it out. Super excited for surround!


Ian @ un4seen

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Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #60 on: 2 Sep '21 - 13:02 »
No idea why this topic didn't autonotify me of the recent new replies though.

The new SID plugin stuff was split from the original "Where is Fraggie?" thread to give it its own thread. Unfortunately, I don't think notifications get copied to the new thread, so you would need to add one for this thread.


  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #61 on: 2 Sep '21 - 17:50 »
The new SID plugin stuff was split from the original "Where is Fraggie?" thread to give it its own thread. Unfortunately, I don't think notifications get copied to the new thread, so you would need to add one for this thread.

Haha, not anymore! My post above automatically switched this thread to notify mode for me, and I just got the notification of your reply so I think it's all set for now.



  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #62 on: 2 Sep '21 - 18:00 »
Tried out v1.2. I definitely hear the click on the start of some tracks, it's actually not very common but you can hear it pretty well on eg. \HVSC\MUSICIANS\S\Stinsen\Jeroenimo.sid

Also another defect. Surround sound mode sounds awesome, but it also appears to uncheck some of the 3 SID voices for some weird reason, and you can't recheck them unless you turn off surround mode. The problem is that if you DO turn off surround mode, those voices REMAIN unchecked so unless you then go back in and recheck them your SIDs will play without some voices present.

And as mentioned, the HVSC folder location appears hardcoded. It doesn't crash for me, but it also can't be changed.

Standing by for the next version!



  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #63 on: 10 Sep '21 - 22:54 »
Another minor bug in 1.2. When playing back a track, you can change surround to be off or on and when you apply, the track automatically restarts with the new setting (which is good), however the track position bar does not reset to the beginning and remains where it was, which means it now does not accurately reflect the position of playback.

Now this COULD be because the HVSC path is hardcoded into it still, meaning it doesn't match my path, meaning no songlengths were added so it doesn't have a lock on the absolute length of a track, but even if that were the case, the track literally restarts from the beginning therefore so should the playback dragbar.



  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #64 on: 16 Sep '21 - 19:31 »
libsidplay 2.3.0 now available -
Not sure, but beyond the listed fixes I suspect that DrFiemost *might* also have fixed the defect related to the weird notes in Rob Hubbard's "Shockway Rider" starting around 0:16.



  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #65 on: 17 Sep '21 - 18:46 »
I have been really busy , just updated the source to libsidplayfp 2.3 and Shockway_Rider.sid still goes wonky at around 12 to 16 or does it notice the second verse plays fine, i will listen to it on a c64 in a minute to compare and see if the notes are actually wrong.


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #66 on: 17 Sep '21 - 23:44 »
i was recording as i was going along here is part of the video 0:59 shockwave starts , this is on a real c64 with dual sid chips on a sid fx it was handy to check both chips just in case it was a 8580 or a 6581 related issue , it was not.

i will take a look into it.

appears to be fixed now , seems it was the c64 emulator not clearing certain memory locations on init ie,

ian-coog commented 2 hours ago
Joxstrap/HVSC found the problem, memory $ed00-ed08 was not inited to 0, now the sid file is fixed for the next HVSC update.
« Last Edit: 18 Sep '21 - 00:10 by Malade »

Dr. Fiemost

  • Posts: 18
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #67 on: 20 Sep '21 - 07:50 »
Actually the emulator is ok, it is the tune that is not initializing the memory it uses and will be fixed in HVSC #76, out in December.
In the meantime if you really want you can revert the memory init pattern change as a workaround (see


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #68 on: 20 Sep '21 - 18:30 »
Actually the emulator is ok, it is the tune that is not initializing the memory it uses and will be fixed in HVSC #76, out in December.
In the meantime if you really want you can revert the memory init pattern change as a workaround (see

yes i was reading in the github for lspfp and seen ians post on the issue, brilliant that its been figured out ,a simple patch of the $ed00-$ed08 if the sid tune was going to be played would have sufficed for now. glad its been figured out and the sid is being fixed in the next release of hvsc.

Code: [Select]
//     void reset() // wgc
//     {
//         uint8_t byte = 0x00;
//         for (int j=0x0000; j<0x10000; j+=0x4000)
//         {
//             memset(ram+j, byte, 0x4000);
//             byte = ~byte;
//             for (int i = 0x02; i < 0x4000; i += 0x08)
//             {
//                 memset(ram+j+i, byte, 0x04);
//             }
//         }
//     }
// Update RAM init pattern like it's done in VICE, fixes a couple of tests
void reset() // reverted to 2.1.1 fix for shockwave rider wgc
memset(ram, 0, sizeof(ram));
for (int i = 0x40; i < 0x10000; i += 0x80)
memset(ram + i, 0xff, 0x40);

note : i hope there aren't any protected sids ( i have never come across one but you never know ), a bit like some of the old tape loaders will fail in the first few code sections if the memory isn't the standard ( ie 00 check cyberload  ) , considering that the old memory from 2.11 is FF's 00's alternating it shouldn't lead to a problem , if it does it will be fixed / patched.

ps the reason i haven't posted a latest update with the fixes and latest lspfp is i am waiting to hear from Keltic Danor to see what he is doing or releasing as i don't want to hijack his creation.

he done a damn good job and all the best to him.
« Last Edit: 20 Sep '21 - 19:07 by Malade »


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #69 on: 20 Sep '21 - 18:38 »
Actually the emulator is ok, it is the tune that is not initializing the memory it uses and will be fixed in HVSC #76, out in December.
In the meantime if you really want you can revert the memory init pattern change as a workaround (see

btw , any idea why the memory init was changed, protection in game loaders etc for the test suite?
« Last Edit: 20 Sep '21 - 18:43 by Malade »

Dr. Fiemost

  • Posts: 18
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #70 on: 20 Sep '21 - 19:37 »
The change is based on VICE test suite:

Init pattern depends on memory chip types, this is just a common configuration that makes the known protections pass.

Anyway sid tunes should always initialize any memory used, if not they are broken and should be reported as bad rips.
The only chance to run into issues is by playing prg files, which shouldn't be very common, so I don't think is necessary to make the pattern configurable like in VICE. In fact there's no such option in VICE's sid player vsid.


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #71 on: 22 Sep '21 - 22:51 »
The change is based on VICE test suite:

Init pattern depends on memory chip types, this is just a common configuration that makes the known protections pass.

Anyway sid tunes should always initialize any memory used, if not they are broken and should be reported as bad rips.
The only chance to run into issues is by playing prg files, which shouldn't be very common, so I don't think is necessary to make the pattern configurable like in VICE. In fact there's no such option in VICE's sid player vsid.

ok buddy thats interesting to know, and to be honest you've done a brilliant job on libsidplayfp , sounds very good , glad someone took up where simon white and anntti lankila left off , very good work to all of you, and keep up the good work.


  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #72 on: 22 Sep '21 - 23:27 »
ps the reason i haven't posted a latest update with the fixes and latest lspfp is i am waiting to hear from Keltic Danor to see what he is doing or releasing as i don't want to hijack his creation.
he done a damn good job and all the best to him.

I don't think he (or anyone) would be adverse to you forking the code on github?


Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #73 on: 27 Sep '21 - 06:35 »
ps the reason i haven't posted a latest update with the fixes and latest lspfp is i am waiting to hear from Keltic Danor to see what he is doing or releasing as i don't want to hijack his creation.

he done a damn good job and all the best to him.

Hey mate, I appreciate the thought but please hijack away. ;D

Every skin, plugin or anything else I've ever done for XMPlay is, and will always be, for the XMPlay community to run with as they please. I can already see from your work that the SID plugin is in exceptionally capable hands. So you have my blessing to take the wheel, please feel free to rename it, make a new thread or anything else you like too! 8)

Don't worry, you won't be stepping on any toes, whatever is best for XMPlay has my thumbs up.

Sigma Seven

  • Posts: 14
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #74 on: 28 Sep '21 - 10:04 »
I too am also delighted that we all finally have a brand new, up to date and much needed replacement SID plugin for the mighty XMPlay. :)

Fraggie's one was brilliant in it's own right, but sadly way out of date.

Huge thanks to everyone involved in this one's creation and development. :)

Absolutely magnificent job. :)

A must for SID fans.

I've read through this topic, and so also mondo thanks to everyone who contributed ideas and suggestions. :)