Author Topic: Comments and suggestions concerning the XMPlay Support site  (Read 378424 times)


  • Posts: 115
These "stuff" releases are not stable releases. It has happened often enough that there was a severe bug in one of them. I wouldn't want to see unstable versions on the support site, and constantly testing every single version if it is buggy or not would most likely be too much work for most of the site maintainers.

I see. I can imagine that there are people (like me) who would like to try those versions. For instance the ''Lock Position'' feature is a biggie for me but not present in the stable version. When it would be made clear that the ''stuff'' version is for testing purposes only (unsupported) and to use at own risk I do not see a problem. All it takes is just a link and keeping it updated.


  • Posts: 1242
If having incremental changes is very important to you, it would actually be in your interest to become an active member of the forum community (or at least lurk occasionally). :)

Also, you can always get the "latest" version at


  • Posts: 115
If having incremental changes is very important to you, it would actually be in your interest to become an active member of the forum community (or at least lurk occasionally). :)

Also, you can always get the "latest" version at

Ah sweet. That is the link I was looking for. I'll just bookmark it ;)

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
I did kinda consider adding it to the site in the past, the reason I didn't was generally your random Joe downloading and trying it when confronted with a bug/issue will not report it or in general won't be a happy camper. Those who know where to get the stuff versions are either forum participants or at least people prepared to read a bit to work things out, makes feedback on issues far more likely this way.

Then there's the need to frequently update it as well :P either way I think those are sensible enough reasons. ;D

Chinese Sausage

  • Posts: 424
I understand your point crystal clear. Nonetheless XMPlay does not present too many obvious bugs, even on the official releases. The "stuff" releases are just improvements.


  • Posts: 16

I just started using XMPlay. Thanks!
It seems like XMP has lost some weight!
I first tried out XMP (on my multimedia laptop - a PII) a couple of years ago.
I could not even play an mp3, because CPU usage would shoot to 100% and lock up everything.

Just because (I'm a freeware glutton - it is Christmas every month for me ...)
I downloaded XMP from Now I can play mp3s on my PII with XMP!?!
- even with the XMP Sprectum Analyzer!

Anyway, my most important first impression is that XMP could/should give
better GUI indications of whether XMP is Playing, Stopped or Paused.

CoolPlayer is/was a great little player (with the lowest CPU usage of all time)
but gives NO GUI indications of playback status; (I use scripts to manage my laptops,
and the scripts need to read WinTitle or WinText of some kind ...)
so I never/no longer use CoolPlayer anymore.

Now the XMP WinTitle is either "XMP" (which means totally stopped / not yet started since loading)
or is the Formatting string (Fs) - BUT the WinTitle is the Fs
whether XMP is playing, paused or stopped after playing.
Hitting Stop TWICE will change the XMP WinTitle from the Fs to "XMP" ...
The XMP GUI has no WinText at all.

I have other feedback I could/might give, but the above is the most important.
Thanks anyway!


  • Posts: 2878
Please, next time you post, read the thread title. Your question has nothing to do with the Support Site.

Anyway, my most important first impression is that XMP could/should give better GUI indications of whether XMP is Playing, Stopped or Paused. ... Now the XMP WinTitle is either "XMP" ... or the Formatting string (Fs) - BUT the WinTitle is the Fs whether XMP is playing, paused or stopped after playing.
Ah, it's indeed rather difficult to find out whether XMPlay is playing if you're just using a script, there are not interface for that. What exactly do you want to achieve?


  • Posts: 232
EDIT: I just noticed that AEN007 opened a new topic about the same matter. I also posted my reply in his topic, so this post could be deleted (since it is offtopic, regarding the XMPlay support site). :)

I'm not sure if this changed (however I doubt it), but a few years ago I used the SendMessage API to find XMPlay's playing state. Something like this:

Code: [Select]
int result = SendMessage (XMP_hwnd, WM_USER, 0, 104);

Looking now in the old C++ sources I wrote back then (which, sadly, are very poorly documented and commented :( ), I can deduce this:
result will be 0 if XMPlay is stopped. I don't remember if there was a difference between stopped with the file loaded (one-click stop), or stopped with the file unloaded (two-clicks stop)
result will be 1 or 3, depending if XMPlay is Playing or Paused (again, I can't remember if 1 is playing and 3 Paused, or vice-versa).

But anyway, if those scripts you are using support sending window messages, you should give this a try. With a simple trial-and-error approach, you will sure be able to find the exact values. It worked perfectly a few years back when I used it. :)

Also, as far as I know, there is a method of callind any API directly from the Windows command line (cmd). So there might even be a way of using this approach in a BAT file (however, you still need a way to get the XMPlay main window handle, XMP_hwnd).
« Last Edit: 29 Mar '11 - 11:03 by Cris »


  • Posts: 21
Please change XMPlay so clicking on the XMPlay system Tray icon will not "Minimize" XMPlay! I only want the XMPlay system tray icon to be able to Open/Restore XMPlay!

Or at least make it an option :)

Reason I want and really need this is because of the issue I was having with XMPlay when XMPlay is open over a window like IE9 and I click off XMPlay onto IE9 and then when clicking the XMPlay system tray icon it does not bring XMPlay back in front of the IE9 windows but instead "Minimizes" it. :(

I use the "SingleClickTray - Restoring to/from tray icon with single click" which is part of the reason why I am having this issue.

Now if I double click the XMPlay system teay icon it will restore it but I do not want to have to double click. I only want to single click.

I have a thread about this issue here

To better understand when I mean please install Winamp and try the same thing with Winamp system tray icon. An dyou will see the difference.

« Last Edit: 15 May '11 - 16:58 by gate1975mlm »


  • Posts: 2878
Please change XMPlay so clicking on the XMPlay system Tray icon will not "Minimize" XMPlay! I only want the XMPlay system tray icon to be able to Open/Restore XMPlay!
Please read the thread title before you post, this is not the appropriate thread. And don't cross-post.


  • Posts: 21
Please change XMPlay so clicking on the XMPlay system Tray icon will not "Minimize" XMPlay! I only want the XMPlay system tray icon to be able to Open/Restore XMPlay!
Please read the thread title before you post, this is not the appropriate thread. And don't cross-post.

Sorry about that my mistake.


  • Posts: 3
Sorry if this has been already answered...

I went to support site today and it was marked unsafe by Clearcloud DNS server. I have already noticed them, and now is accessible again.

Was there any problem with site, or was it just a mistake?


  • Posts: 2878
I went to support site today and it was marked unsafe by Clearcloud DNS server. I have already noticed them, and now is accessible again.
Did they state a reason why it was unsafe? ClearCloud apparently uses a blacklist (not a whitelist), so perhaps their detection triggered on some plugin DLL (similar to a false positive with a virus scanner).


  • Posts: 3
No, I don't have a clue...

I just send report (automatic on a rejected page) and leave an e-mail for confirmation.
 Shure hoping, that it wasn't justified...


  • Posts: 2787
if it was justified, the site would still be blocked. it's not updated that often...

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Oh false positives from the various silly AV and things are fairly common unfortunately, just need to roll with it.

It wasn't that long ago that a skin was being picked up as a deathly virus of doom so I'm finding it difficult to take any of their warnings seriously anymore. :P


  • Posts: 21
Maybe it'd be nice to have a section of Winamp plugings that work with XMPlay on the support website.  I'm not talking about the "Winamp Input Plug-ins" section.
« Last Edit: 21 Oct '12 - 05:57 by nothingness »


  • Posts: 2878
Maybe it'd be nice to have a section of Winamp plugings that work with XMPlay on the support website.  I'm not talking about the "Winamp Input Plug-ins" section.
What kind of plugins are you referring to then?


  • Posts: 21
Maybe it'd be nice to have a section of Winamp plugings that work with XMPlay on the support website.  I'm not talking about the "Winamp Input Plug-ins" section.
What kind of plugins are you referring to then?

Other types of plugins like the DSP ones.  It's save people the trouble to try out lots of Winamp plugins to see if it works in XMPlay.


  • Posts: 2878
Other types of plugins like the DSP ones.  It's save people the trouble to try out lots of Winamp plugins to see if it works in XMPlay.
DSP Plug-ins. Do you have some additions?


  • Posts: 17
Some of the plugins are severely out of date.  Is there a way for users to submit or update plugins via the plugin comment field pending approval?


  • Posts: 2878
It's easier if you could post links to the new versions in this thread.


  • Posts: 61
nice wee site, helpful people, knowledgeable

i'd like to see a nice dark forum skin, i love dark themes ;-)

just a good skins section, maybe a sticky category (no replies) just offering simple instructions for most of the basic features, ripping to flac, wasapi, tags, play-lists etc, nice n easy for new folk to jump in, find and fix, a step further, creating a few child boards within xmaply category, eg one dedicated to plug-in support, skinning, general xmplay stuff, or for the real tech heads a room for the pros to talk shop


  • Posts: 30
One thing I'd enjoy on the site is the little updates of XMPlay and some of its plugins (such as the midi plugin), found in /stuff/ of Un4seen. However, I could see this as a problem as I do not know how site/server communication works. Plus, this thread seems more focused on the design. Windows' briefcase anybody?

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26266
Links to the latest "stuff" updates can be found at the bottom of the XMPlay webpage (under "Latest stuff"). If you would like XMPlay's built-in update notifications to include those updates, you can add an "UpdateStuff=1" line to your XMPLAY.INI file.