Author Topic: Detonation Blue for XMPlay 1.0 (original by Atomas @ Detonation)  (Read 1749 times)


  • Posts: 2
Found this really cool skin, but it was only compatible with an older version of Winamp (perhaps version 1), so I decided to port it to XMPlay

Due to its bugs and quirks things may be somewhat inaccurate compared to the original skin (you can probably see I tried my best on this one lmao)

This port is based off the WAClassic2 skin by Nullsoft/Keltic Danor, and took me less than 2 hours and some stress. Credits goes to Atomas @ for this awesome skin I found at random

Here is a preview of the skin if you are interested:

GitHub repository:

Download link is in the attachments section of the post. Have fun, and feel free to give any feedback or suggestions :)
« Last Edit: 19 Jun '23 - 10:34 by RoozerXC »


  • Posts: 9
It's nice to see ports of the good old classic Winamp 2 skins! I checked it out and I think you did a very decent job on this one, although I would perhaps suggest using a brighter color specifically for XMPlay highlighting the search results in the playlist (the Ctrl+F 'Select in list' feature).

I also think that in general, it would be nice to see a tutorial on how to convert Winamp 2 skins to XMPlay. This could bring many gems from the Winamp Classic era to XMPlay and thus give them a new life. Someone with coding skills could even write a converter based on this methodology. Though due to several differences between the two players (like the aforementioned search results highlighting) some colors/elements might need to be specified/supplied by the user....


  • Posts: 2
It's nice to see ports of the good old classic Winamp 2 skins! I checked it out and I think you did a very decent job on this one, although I would perhaps suggest using a brighter color specifically for XMPlay highlighting the search results in the playlist (the Ctrl+F 'Select in list' feature).

I also think that in general, it would be nice to see a tutorial on how to convert Winamp 2 skins to XMPlay. This could bring many gems from the Winamp Classic era to XMPlay and thus give them a new life. Someone with coding skills could even write a converter based on this methodology. Though due to several differences between the two players (like the aforementioned search results highlighting) some colors/elements might need to be specified/supplied by the user....

Glad to see a good response. I really tried, although due to xmplay quirks and the slightly confusing color table in the original wa2 skin there were a couple of things that I could have done and fixed. And yes, I also thought of tutorials too until I somehow managed to figure the whole thingamajig out myself. Still a tutorial or something would be really great especially for those who want to make their own skins :)