Author Topic: XMPlay MIDI plugin  (Read 718036 times)


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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #950 on: 1 Sep '20 - 23:14 »
Hi Ian!

I've downloaded the lastest version of the MIDI plugin, but it seems that the recent change for for instruments presets in soundfonts breaked some MIDI files, which assign presets in non-drum channels, for what I understood about the change, it was only meant to work on drum channels?

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #951 on: 2 Sep '20 - 14:18 »
Please upload a MIDI file and soundfont to reproduce the problem with here:

If you're using multiple soundfonts, you can use the "Export" button in the MIDI plugin config to write the soundfont config. If it isn't very obvious, also give a position in the MIDI file where the problem can he heard.


  • Posts: 306
[EDIT - This was solved by downloading FLAC input plugin 11. However, when loading (selecting) the soundfont, I get an error "4 regions (out of 641) will not be used due to invalid or unsupported opcodes." This is probably a fault of the soundfont construction, but it could have something to do with the FLAC input plugin as well. BTW, I suggest that those interested give this soundfont a listen. It is likely the best Preset 0 piano soundfont I've ever come across.]

Hi again!

Hey, I'm trying to load the Salamander Grand Piano SFZ+FLAC-V3 soundfont in Preset 0 of XMPlay.

The soundfont can be obtained HERE.

I've extracted the SalamanderGrandPiano-SFZ+FLAC-V3+20200602 folder from the tar.gz file, which includes the FLAC sample files.

When I try to load SalamanderGrandPianoRetuned-V3+20200602.sfz in Preset 0,  I get an error that the samples can't be found/loaded.

I do have the FLAC rev. 7 plugin installed.

I suspect the problem may have something to do with the 48kHz 24bit sample format of the FLAC files.

Please assist if possible to get this soundfont loaded in XMPlay. I am using XMPlay version

« Last Edit: 8 Sep '20 - 08:31 by winner »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #953 on: 8 Sep '20 - 14:10 »
However, when loading (selecting) the soundfont, I get an error "4 regions (out of 641) will not be used due to invalid or unsupported opcodes." This is probably a fault of the soundfont construction, but it could have something to do with the FLAC input plugin as well.

It is the on_locc64 and on_hicc64 opcodes in that SFZ file that aren't supported by the MIDI plugin. They're used to play a little sound when the sustain pedal is pressed and released, so those sounds won't be heard, but the piano key sounds will be fine.


  • Posts: 306

Midi plugin version 16d loses preset 127 for bank 0, turning a stacked soundfont instrument into a stacked complete soundfont.

I can order soundfonts like this, top to bottom, and instruments will play as expected:

[EDIT: Note that I am using sf2pack soundfonts and preloading the samples.]

126 - Airfont 380
125 - Airfont 380
Merlin Symphony
WBS Reality 100 MB
Airfont 380

However, if I attempt to add preset 127 like this, then apply and close/reopen XMPlay:

127 - Airfont 380
126 - Airfont 380
125 - Airfont 380
Merlin Symphony
WBS Reality 100 MB
Airfont 380

The soundfont list becomes this:

Airfont 380
126 - Airfont 380
125 - Airfont 380
Merlin Symphony
WBS Reality 100 MB
Airfont 380

The 127 preset instrument has become the entire soundfont stacked in front.

Please assist to correct this issue. Thanks!
« Last Edit: 12 Sep '20 - 16:35 by winner »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #955 on: 16 Sep '20 - 18:05 »
Oops. This issue was actually introduced quite a while ago, when the "sflist" import/export support was added. Here's an update that should sort it:


  • Posts: 306
Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #956 on: 16 Sep '20 - 21:58 »
Oops. This issue was actually introduced quite a while ago, when the "sflist" import/export support was added. Here's an update that should sort it:

Thanks!! It looks like the problem is resolved, Ian.


  • Posts: 306
With midi plugin 16e, I've noticed that the "Use on all banks" setting seems to have no affect.

For example, when using a single soundfont, such as Merlin Symphony, midi tunes trying to play samples from bank 56 default to playing samples from bank 0 regardless of the setting. I'd think that if "Use on all banks" was not activated, no sample would play.

Also, the "Use on all banks" setting can not be applied to individual soundfonts. If I highlight a particular soundfont and apply this, then highlight other soundfonts, all of the other soundfonts seem to have this attribute also since the box remains checked.

Please clarify or resolve this behavior as appropriate.

Thank you!

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #958 on: 18 Sep '20 - 17:24 »
The "Use on all banks" setting only applies when the "Check for soundfont of same as the MIDI file" option is enabled, and only to that matching soundfont. For example, if the MIDI file is called TEST.MID then it will look for a TEST.SF2 or TEST.SF2PACK or TEST.MID.SF2 or TEST.MID.SF2PACK soundfont in the same folder. If "Check for partial match" is enabled then it will also check for shorter filename matches, eg. TES.SF2 or TES.SF2PACK, as well as a folder name match in the parent folder.

If no soundfont has the required bank then the MIDI plugin will automatically fall back to bank 0, as you found. When that happens, it will be shown in the "Samples" info window, under a "missing" header.


  • Posts: 306
Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #959 on: 18 Sep '20 - 18:13 »
The "Use on all banks" setting only applies when the "Check for soundfont of same as the MIDI file" option is enabled, and only to that matching soundfont. For example, if the MIDI file is called TEST.MID then it will look for a TEST.SF2 or TEST.SF2PACK or TEST.MID.SF2 or TEST.MID.SF2PACK soundfont in the same folder. If "Check for partial match" is enabled then it will also check for shorter filename matches, eg. TES.SF2 or TES.SF2PACK, as well as a folder name match in the parent folder.

If no soundfont has the required bank then the MIDI plugin will automatically fall back to bank 0, as you found. When that happens, it will be shown in the "Samples" info window, under a "missing" header.

Thanks very much for this explanation. I have great appreciation for the flexibility and configuration possibilities that XMPlay offers with soundfonts. I know this must be incredibly tricky to code. But this ability, for me, makes XMPlay far and away the best midi/mod player around.


  • Posts: 306
[RESOLVED] Odd font stacking behavior?
« Reply #960 on: 19 Sep '20 - 18:39 »
Hi again. I've configured multiple fonts and instruments in XMPlay for many years, but now for some reason I'm seeing and hearing strange things I've never experienced before.

Perhaps something's changed, or I just haven't caught these things previously, or there is some type of midi channel switching going on that I don't know about.

I'm using midi plugin version 16e. To run these tests, I'm playing Winter Wonderland - Gary Wachtel.mid.

When I add the Merlin Symphony.sf2pack soundfont to bank 0, I see that no instruments are contained in bank 56. Samples trying to play from bank 56 default to bank 0. That's fine.

Replacing Merlin Symphony with WBS Reality 100MB.sf2pack, I see that bank 56 only contains instrument presets 38 and 39 for YM2612 bass. Again, bank 56 instruments mostly default to bank 0. No issue.

With Merlin Symphony as the primary soundfont in bank 0, and WBS Reality as the secondary - or vice versa - the instrument presets are selected as expected.

However, if I add an individual instrument preset on top of this stack for bank 0, like this:

WBS Reality - 122 (Seashore noise)
Merlin Symphony
WBS Reality

I get a strange outcome.

The samples window shows the following:

d62:40 Brush Kit
56:0 Marimba
56:11 Marimba
56:32 Marimba
56:58 Marimba
56:57 Marimba
56:65 Marimba
56:66 Marimba

It looks now as if the Reality soundfont has several marimba presets in bank 56, whereas I previously established there are only two presets, 38 and 39.

Please help to resolve this issue.

« Last Edit: 24 Sep '20 - 22:50 by winner »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #961 on: 21 Sep '20 - 13:36 »
That does indeed look strange. Please upload the MIDI file in question to reproduce the problem with here:


  • Posts: 306
Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #962 on: 21 Sep '20 - 17:22 »
That does indeed look strange. Please upload the MIDI file in question to reproduce the problem with here:

I tried to upload the file with FTP clients but I couldn't get a connection. I then dragged and dropped the file into browser display of the site. Not sure if that worked.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #963 on: 21 Sep '20 - 17:32 »
Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to have worked (the file didn't end up on the FTP server). Can you ZIP the file and attach it to a post instead?


  • Posts: 306
Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #964 on: 21 Sep '20 - 17:56 »
Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to have worked (the file didn't end up on the FTP server). Can you ZIP the file and attach it to a post instead?

Sure, thank you. The file is attached.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #965 on: 22 Sep '20 - 13:21 »
Thanks, I see the problem now. It was introduced with the first drum preset tweak. Here's an update that should fix it:

Please let me know if you still have any trouble with it.


  • Posts: 306
Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #966 on: 24 Sep '20 - 17:40 »
Thanks, I see the problem now. It was introduced with the first drum preset tweak. Here's an update that should fix it:

Please let me know if you still have any trouble with it.

[EDIT: I have rebooted my computer and tried various versions of XMPlay. All versions I've tried crash when trying to configure the midi plugin.]
[EDIT: I've now put a copy of XMPlay in a new folder, and only the midi plugin besides. This time the configuration dialog launches. I'll keep adding plugins and whatever else to determine where we have a conflict.]
[RESOLVED: I renamed XMPlay.ini and let XMPlay create it again. Now the dialog works and THE MIDI FILE PLAYS AS EXPECTED as far as I can tell. Thanks for the fix!]

Thanks, but when I select the Midi plugin from "Input and archive plugins", then click the Config button, XMPlay crashes.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep '20 - 18:45 by winner »


  • Posts: 306
Another soundfont configuration with the midi plugin?
« Reply #967 on: 24 Sep '20 - 23:23 »
I discovered something else that is strange with soundfont configuration. I don't think this is how the midi plugin is supposed to behave.

Starting with NO soundfonts added, I can configure the midi plugin with a primary soundfont for bank 0, say, Merlin Symphony.

Now suppose I choose instrument 127 Gunshot and pick that from the WBS Reality 100MB soundfont. Also, I order the 127 instrument first in the soundfont list.

I'd expect that instrument 127 Gunshot would be the only instrument loaded, at all, from Reality.

However, if I look at the Bank dropdown, I see that Reality occupies 20+ banks!

All I wanted was that single instrument (sound effect) for bank 0.

Please consider if the midi plugin in behaving as designed.



  • Posts: 306
Re: Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #968 on: 25 Sep '20 - 00:31 »
Thanks, but when I select the Midi plugin from "Input and archive plugins", then click the Config button, XMPlay crashes.

Although this seemed to be resolved when I renamed xmplay.ini or tested with a minimal installation, plugin version 16f still is unstable for me. Either trying the configure button or trying to add a soundfont will often crash XMPlay.

*** I've discovered that midi plugin version 16e does not experience this instability.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep '20 - 18:45 by winner »

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #969 on: 25 Sep '20 - 14:00 »
That last update did indeed introduce a silly config window bug (when using SFZ files). Here's an update with hopefully no more silliness :)

Regarding the soundfont assigned to a single preset being shown in multiple banks, the update should fix this too. I believe it was just a UI issue, ie. it showed all banks that the SF2 file contains but it was only actually used for the assigned preset?


  • Posts: 306
Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #970 on: 25 Sep '20 - 20:34 »
That last update did indeed introduce a silly config window bug (when using SFZ files). Here's an update with hopefully no more silliness :)

Regarding the soundfont assigned to a single preset being shown in multiple banks, the update should fix this too. I believe it was just a UI issue, ie. it showed all banks that the SF2 file contains but it was only actually used for the assigned preset?

This version of the midi plugin - 16g - works as expected now when picking individual presets. Also, it doesn't crash XMPlay for me when trying to configure soundfonts, like the previous version did. Awesome!

However, if I do a subtractive configuration process, trying to remove one or more upper banks from the soundfont stack, all of the banks in that soundfont are removed.

For example, I can reset the soundfont configuration to empty, then load the WBS Reality 100MB soundfont in bank 0. This soundfont has instruments in 31 upper banks, 32 banks total.

If I choose one of the upper banks and try to remove it, all 32 banks are removed. I'd expect that just that single targeted bank would be removed, and all others would remain.

If we can have independent selections of instruments with the midi plugin, shouldn't there be independent selections of banks?


  • Posts: 306
Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #971 on: 26 Sep '20 - 13:54 »

If I choose one of the upper banks and try to remove it, all 32 banks are removed. I'd expect that just that single targeted bank would be removed, and all others would remain.

If we can have independent selections of instruments with the midi plugin, shouldn't there be independent selections of banks?

OK, I realize this might not make logical sense. If a soundfont is added to bank 0, all upper banks are added. If bank 0 is removed, all other banks are removed. Thus if an upper bank is removed, bank 0 and all other banks should be removed. Very sorry for such silliness.  ;D


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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #972 on: 11 Oct '20 - 18:24 »

Can anyone share versions of MIDI plugin older than 13a? Rev.10 or 12, for example.
I just like playback with them much more...


  • Posts: 306
Midi plugin 16g doesn't detect bank 127 presets
« Reply #973 on: 29 Oct '20 - 21:04 »

I have a soundfont with bank 127 presets. However, midi plugin 16g doesn't seem to detect these. I've attached a screenshot showing the samples display and presets loaded in bank 127.

Thank you for any assistance!

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: XMPlay MIDI plugin
« Reply #974 on: 30 Oct '20 - 13:56 »
Only XG mode uses bank 127 for drums, so the MIDI plugin will only use a soundfont's bank 127 for drums when in XG mode and it detects that the bank probably does contain XG drums (and the "Use bank 127 drums in XG mode when available" option is enabled). In your case, it looks like it failed that detection, so it fell back to the standard bank 128 (d0) for drums. It is possible that it was mistaken. If you suspect it was, please post a link or upload the soundfont to have a look at here: