What functions?
LOL, that is funny. Those things that are called functions by some folks parked in your header file(s) and/or example(s)

WARNING... Long post...
I had asked for this a while back, specifically for the Bass_FX examples. Still haven't heard that these component range values are available.
One of the greatest assets that Delphi offers is its object oriented VCL. However, values that customize these controls are stored in a binary (stream) file. This binary file (*.dfm) saves and loads each application form (window), all its components, and each component value. Even if you have a version of Delphi that can read this binary stream version that created these original project files, you must maintain an original set of VCL controls on your Library palette, or load a custom set of VCL controls to match the controls used in the development environment... (whew!)
The designers of Delphi new that these component values are important and shouldn't be lost when upgrading your own copy of Delphi. In that vein, with their infinite wisdom, they gave us a text file that describes every component and each value (field) that was changed from default. All you need is right click your Form (window) in the Delphi IDE and select "View As Text". Save this text representation of your form, components, and values to disk file, and you can quickly migrate your project to most any language without reverse engineering from sctratch. Include this text file with your distributed examples and others, like me, can use the damn thing

After all, very few multi-media slider controls maintain a min and max value of zero (0) and 100 respectively. Especially the few bazillion slider controls in the Bass_FX example distribution.
Makes sense?

:::: Rant mode off ::::