Author Topic: Forum Guide - Read before posting.  (Read 44216 times)

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
Forum Guide - Read before posting.
« on: 16 Aug '04 - 03:06 »
Here are some handy guidelines that will help in resolving any problems you may have.

There is a good chance that your question has already been answered. Before posting it is recommended you first check the XMPlay Support Site, both the Guide and the FAQ. If your question is still unanswered, try and Search the Forum.

If it is regarding a bug, try to include as much information as possible. Such as operating system, sound card and steps on how it is reproduced. If it is a crash, a Dr Watson log can be of great help. Under Windows XP this log is usually found here: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson".

If the problem is caused by a certain file, you may also upload files to here:
Whenever you upload a file, be sure to include the filename('s) in your post.

Always check that you have the latest version of XMPlay available, your bug/feature might have already been fixed/implemented. On occasion, there may also be an unofficial "in development" update available at:
« Last Edit: 22 Apr '06 - 12:49 by Keltic Danor »