If you can provide the specs, then maybe
The chunks seem to be the same, but not the structures inside them.
I seem to recall having a document somewhere on one of my PCs with the tech specs for the SBK format (I don't really remember, though). I'll poke around on my PCs and see if I can find it -:)
In the meantime, dunno if this will help, but after searching the Internet I found a snippet of source code from Timidity (it mentions something about "convert from SBK to SF2") ->
http://sbigraf.tamu.edu/bcscontra/timidity/sndfont.c ... I don't know if that will be of any use, though.
Meanwhile... another update is up, with lyrics (for files that use the proper lyrics event) displayed in the Message info. No following along with the music, but it's something 
Cool :thumbsup: -:)
One problem though, I only tested it wih one MIDI (a compostion of mine from a commercial project that went belly up a few years back), uploaded to the FTP site -> starsing.zip. Although it has a MID extension, it indeed contains KAR format lyrics (they display fine in another old karaoke player that I have "Tune 1000"). I tried renaming it with a KAR extension as well, XMPlay still didn't display the lyrics.
(Edit) Just had a look at the MIDI file in question in my sequencer, it appears that the lyrics are tagged as text events, and not lyric events. Strange thing is, the words display properly in Tune 1000 (as well as another karaoke player that I used to use... don't remember the name offhand). Could this be why the MIDI plugin doesn't display the lyrics?
(Edit #2) Yep, that was the problem. The lyrics that I had embedded in the Starsing.mid file were not _true_ lyric events, but rather plain text events.
I remember years back (when I first composed the piece) thinking that the "Tune 1000" karaoke specs (for the lyrics) were how _all_ karaoke files were set up (using a few special text events, as well as specially formatted text events for the lyrics). I thought that I had remembered playing the MIDI file in question (as well as several other Tune 1000 karaoke albums/collections that I had at the time) using other karaoke players successfully as well (with them actually displaying the lyrics), guess not though... the 'ole brain/memory doesn't work as good as it used to <LOL>.
(Edit #3 - re: The "sndfont.c" source file mentioned/linked above) Here is the "sbkconv.c" source code file referenced by that other file ->