Thanks for your good answers and sorry for my more questions.
I got the peak level by channelGetLevel and get the correct peak from left and right numbers. Now what I have to do? What effect is better to I use for it? Immagin that I want to normalize the playing file volume to -2db, and I want to all parse of my file to be play at this volume. I'm getting channel's level every 20ms, the peak is between 0 to 32767 (I think), my good parse of file is around 8000-12000 peak, but bad places are at 1000-4000. What effect should I use with what values? I saw someone was using DSPGain, but here We have two properties from 0 to 1024 and 0 to 100, That I dont know how to convert 8000 or 1000 to their values

Sorry, I'm a little bad in these subjects.