Author Topic: MXMF lvl 3 Controller screen brigthness and flash :)  (Read 7088 times)


  • Posts: 174
XMF uses GM1 but have lsb 6 (Xtension)

MXMF level 1 (This uses the same as XMF but with dls in wav format in pcm 4 bits or 8 bits). like Series 30 and s40 until 3rd edition GM2) 2000 Second limiter and only blink (For android basic devices)

MXMF level 2 (This allow to use 32 bits compressed data support GM2) for attenuation up to 32 bits for 16 bits device

MXMF level 3 (All of the previosly  but in GS Standard (XM) it's possible?

Meta Xtended MO3 File and Screen and keyboard brightness and phone vibrator controller for android with midi notes?.

« Last Edit: 30 Nov '18 - 02:52 by MIDAPMI »