SIDevo Input Plug-inThis is a partial rewrite and update of my old SIDex v1.0~ plugin, it has now been rewritten using Visual Studio 2022 and the most recent libsidplayfp library.
- Fade-in support to try and remove clicks
- SLDB, STIL, BUGlist from HVSC supported
- Configurable SIDId support via sidid.cfg files
SIDId Supportxmp-sidevo does not keep a copy of the SIDId database internally but a sidid.cfg file is
included in the archive. The sidid.cfg must be in the same location as the plugin.
You can also download the latest sidid.cfg file from the SIDId GitHub here: Issues
Despite the plugin itself working fine in windows XP it appears libsidplayfp doesn't right now, I'm not 100% sure what the related problem is but I don't think there is a lot I can do about it directly unfortunately.Change Logv4.9
- libsidplayfp library updated to 2.12.0
- sidid.cfg updated to version from 28 October 2024
- libsidplayfp library updated to 2.9.0
- Errors for sidid.cfg, Songlengths.md5 and STIL now suppress themselves after showing once
- Force mono option added
- sidid.cfg updated to version from 10 August 2024
- libsidplayfp library updated to 2.8.0
- libsidplayfp library updated to 2.7.1
- sidid.cfg updated to version from 5 May 2024
- libsidplayfp library updated to 2.6.0
- WDS files are now shown in the Message window
- The reading of WDS/conversion from PETSCII is far from perfect, any code suggestions would be most welcome
- Comments from MUS files are now showing in the Message window
- Fixed issue with subsong STIL setting not getting sid comments
- Fixed random scanning of invalid files causing crashes
- SIDId now returns multiple players if applicable
- Links to Github and XMPlay Support page added to the about box
- Default duration of 0 seconds will no longer override HVSC song lengths
- sidid.cfg updated to version from 2 July 2023
- libsidplayfp library updated to 2.5.0
- Added "Add Fade-out to duration" to fade options
- Added "Fetch only current Sub-song STIL info" in miscellaneous options
- Title/Artist/Date added to the Message tab
- Song length duration now retrieved as milliseconds and rounded up by default
- Initial new release
- libsidplayfp library updated to 2.4.2
- Sid Info added to info window showing no. chips/model/clock speed + overrides
- sidid.cfg updated to version from 23 December 2022
- Emulation config options now apply on the next loaded sid instead of restart
- Skip to Default Subsong ...and only play the Default options added
- Seeking is no longer disabled by default
- MUS and STR files are now supported so enjoy that Compute's Gazette Sid Collection
- Tunes are now loaded from memory instead of the file system which fixes...
- Loading of foreign files with incompatible characters
- Loading of sids directly from web urls
- sidid.cfg is now loaded from the plugin directly instead of HVSC DOCUMENTS/
- HVSC Documents path purpose made clearer and added browse & test buttons
Big Thanks To- Ian Luck ~~~ Compile configuration, XP support, code references, logarithmic fade effects and a metric TON of code fixes!
- drfiemost (Leandro Nini) ~~~ All the help along the way
- emoon (Daniel Collin) ~~~ Help building libsidplayfp in the first place & code references in HippoPlayer
- hermansr (Roland Hermans) ~~~ Code references in PSID64 adding SIDId support
- cadaver (Lasse Öörni) ~~~ Code references in SIDId and sidid.cfg files
- kode54 (Christopher Snowhill) ~~~ Code references in foo_sid
- z80maniac (Alexey Parfenov) ~~~ Code references in xmp-zxtune
- zbych-r / in_sidplay2 ~~~ Code references in in_sidplay2
- Malade (William Cronin) / xmp-sidex v2 ~~~ Code references in xmp-sidex v2
Download Download from XMPlay Support Source on GitHub