btw Ian I did convert some Playstation vab's to sf2 (after I had to merge 64 KB chunks because the format of Crash Bandicoot's nsf is all chuncked out by 64 KB chunks) that it seems either A some instruments are missing or B those instuments is not executed by the plugin. But then again I have a few files that are completely fine but most of the levels and the warp room in the game and in Crash 3 dont end up sounding just right.
And I needed them to be sf2 because I had to convert the seq's to midi.
btw did you know that Playstation VAB and SEQ's are similar in that SEQ is almost like MIDI and that VAB's are almost like sf2.
Also it seems like some of the files like to play with some awkward reverm in them when they are not supposed to have one.
uploaded for looking into:
yeah I know I stuck the file name in a code block to easily know what all is in the name and for easy selecting.

Also included is a playstation vab file and a seq for you to look at if you want to make a plugin to read sony PS1 (PSX they call it on game executables for all games)
Edit: it also seems that some instruments they play too low that they sound like they are missing.
1 Example is the Warp Room in Crash Bandicoot 2 from the final version vs what you get in the game. (similar with some differences everytime that instrument is used)
So uploading that to for a look.
So yeah the Instument issue on this I am not sure if it is the sf2 file or some playback stuff going wrong. although it could be the sf2 not having the right instrument but I would think it would be right.