Author Topic: Curved Orange  (Read 7304 times)


  • Posts: 252
Curved Orange
« on: 6 Jul '03 - 04:36 »
Think curved sliders are impossible in XMPlay?  Think again.  :D

This skin isn't meant to be a good looking skin, just a "demo" to show people what's possible when skinning XMPlay.  Of course the slider isn't really curved, it's just a skinning trick.  I'm sure some skinners already realised that this was possible, but I figured that since some people wanted an option like this, I'd give them this demo for now.

Basically, the trick is that the sliders all have "holes" around them, so that only a small portion of the actual slider is seen.  These holes are filled in with the background from another panel, thus the holes cannot be seen.  Ask if you've got any questions about that.  Hey, if some more people show interest in this trick we might be able to persuade Ian to add some extra support for it. :)

A special thanks goes to KelticDanor, who made the original BASRRB bitmaps.  I sort of "borrowed" them for this skin and coloured them orange.  I just wanted something plain and simple, and so the Blue skin was perfect for that.  The info window and mini-mode are almost exactly the same, but all the other panels have been changed around.  Also, thanks goes out to Rah'Dick for some inspiration - he first had the "curved slider" idea in XMPlay with his "Blue Eye Skin", which was posted on this forum quite a while ago now.  I guess it was never finished because of the bent slider restriction...  (It's possible now that it could be done, but some things would have to be modified.  For example, the left panel would pretty much have to be fixed.)


  • Posts: 557
Curved Orange
« Reply #1 on: 7 Jul '03 - 04:26 »

Aah, my eyes! ;D I like it.


  • Posts: 37
Re: Curved Orange
« Reply #2 on: 7 Jul '03 - 07:40 »
Hehe, when you said curved, I thought 'rounded', which could ultimately be pulled off in a similar fashion. Only problem would be that the quantity displayed would not equate to the angle presented on the mock dial when calculated- if you know what I mean.


  • Posts: 252
Curved Orange 2.0
« Reply #3 on: 8 Aug '03 - 10:23 »
Curved Orange has now been updated with 2.8 features, and given a new design.  This time it takes a similar look to Rah'Dick's old "Blue Eye" skin...  maybe I should have called it "Orange Eye". ;)

The unique thing about this skin now is that it doesn't have a left panel.  However, I did add in an "Auto-load settings" button so the track settings options could be accessed.  Just to let you know, this isn't really recommended (I'm breaking the rules :evil: ) as it isn't stated what the "track settings" are.  So I am planning on updating this skin again with a left panel.  However, I will probably have to change the nice "eye" look of it, so I wanted this version released as well.

So Rah'Dick, will "Blue Eye" ever be released?  Unfortunately, I don't think it will able to use the "Curved Slider" trick.  You would have to either have a panel non-slidable or completely remove it, which was what I had to do for this skin.


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Re: Curved Orange
« Reply #4 on: 9 Aug '03 - 12:54 »
with an alpha blended slider and skin, you don't have a problem to go crazy with sliders (and skin)