Some more updates:
1) The fix to the file load appears to work, I'm now able to use storage apis to load from various places that the user gets access (I'm using the fileopendialog to browse and try various places). This is great

2) When I thought about the previous bug, I realized it'd be worth scanning the api set using the Application Certificatin kit to ensure all apis in BASS are 'store compliant'. I hit the following errors which are being called in the WindowsStore.dll, which would prevent an app from being put in the store currently:
◦API BASS_ChannelGetLevelEx in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelFlags in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelGetData in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelGetEnvelopePos in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelGetLevel in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelGetMatrix in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelGetMixer in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelGetPosition in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelGetPositionEx in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
◦API BASS_Mixer_ChannelRemove in bassmix.dll is not supported for this application type. Bass.Net.WinStore.dll calls this API.
Let me know if you need help reproing this. The app certication kit for me was located at: :\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit