Yeah, command-line MO3 encoder would be a cool stuff
. Expecially if it will be able to work as a filter (to take its input from STDIN, as well as decoder ability to direct output to STDOUT will be very appreciated). But alas this doesn't solve a problem of MO3 support in SoundTacker entirely, because ST is a multiplatform application (I know people using it at Irix, Solaris, FreeBsd and Linux/PPC platforms), but decoder exists and encoder will be exist only for Linux/Intel platform (right?). And there is another obstacle: I cannot include MO3 decoder/encoder directly in ST project because it's released under CPL license. That means the software to be distributed together with its source code. So I can only write a code for MO3 encoder/decoder support, and inform users where they can download the encoder and decoder.
Ian, if you would
open the code of MO3 encoder/decoder or
write the MO3 format spec, you'll in this way provide a full support of your beatiful format for many platforms
If you are afraid of someone to make a quick buck from using your code in šhis proprietary program, you may open sources under CPL license, and nobody can use them in his closed-source program without your agreement.
Wouldn't you want MO3 format to be supported by Agnula? (see