Author Topic: SIDex plugin  (Read 29010 times)


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #150 on: 13 Dec '21 - 22:14 »
files should be now in the dropbox folder...  named them earlier other way round by mistake...   only difference in setup is plugin version  2.5 vs 2.7

clear all your settings somethings wrong with them , this is my output.


  • Posts: 37
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #151 on: 13 Dec '21 - 22:22 »
yeah.. listening to your output mp3.. it sounds wrong..
disable voice1 and 2 for SID1 and all voices for SID2... you will clearly hear it


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #152 on: 13 Dec '21 - 22:24 »
ok buddy il have a listen now.

i hear it now ,i will take a look see.


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #153 on: 13 Dec '21 - 22:34 »
checking now , but it looks like the only major changes to between 2.5 and later versions were bells and whistles which should not cause this , and then there is the update to libsidplayfp , il roll back and see. , yep found the bug it was visual studio not compiling changes correctly , il do it tomorrow now , getting late here..
« Last Edit: 13 Dec '21 - 23:31 by Malade »


  • Posts: 37
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #154 on: 13 Dec '21 - 22:55 »
no worries...

but latest sidplayfp was updated to libsidplayfp-2.3.1 and it is playing this tune correctly.

I can't unfortunately tell you what is the problem...
Tried to mess about with filters, digi-boost and even forcing sid to different model... but I could not make it sound that way no matter what I tried to break it...

good luck


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #155 on: 14 Dec '21 - 18:58 »
no worries...

but latest sidplayfp was updated to libsidplayfp-2.3.1 and it is playing this tune correctly.

I can't unfortunately tell you what is the problem...
Tried to mess about with filters, digi-boost and even forcing sid to different model... but I could not make it sound that way no matter what I tried to break it...

good luck

Code: [Select]
// New noise waveform output.

this was causing it , sorted it now , players rock solid , everything's working ok , i will test it a bit more then i will push the source and release the final version.

libsidplayfp 2.3.1 build
final build , full source code on the git ,  simple to update to your latest libsidplayfp ,

added a build bat so its simpler for you to build it , just run the bat it and it will compile.

have fun , all the best and stay safe. :)

i will upload the plugin , 1 moment.
« Last Edit: 14 Dec '21 - 20:02 by Malade »


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #156 on: 14 Dec '21 - 20:00 »
this will be the final release for a while maybe someone else can take over as i am extremely short on time at the moment real life is encroaching,

final rev 2.8 plugin using libsidplayfp 2.3.1

file is attached to this post , full source code in my previous post.

have fun and enjoy the old tunes , stay safe, all the best. :)


  • Posts: 37
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #157 on: 15 Dec '21 - 11:52 »
Thanks Malade,

Great update, have some rest from my mithering about this and that :)

Have a Bug Free Christmas and Rock Solid New Year
Sebby ;D


  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #158 on: 15 Dec '21 - 23:04 »
Malade - sit back and relax man. Take it easy, have a great Christmas, don't rush things, this can alllll wait. I appreciate every release, and the time you spend on them at your own expense.

Edit: I gotta tell you that 1 and 2 sid surround and the EQ with just the default settings you have it at make SIDs sound pretty god damned good IMO. Really well done.



  • Posts: 2787
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #159 on: 16 Dec '21 - 18:58 »
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the new SIDex plugin doesn't seem to integrate with XMPlay's looping mechanism, so if a SID song would loop it simply stops at the end of the loop rather than jumping back and fading out for the duration specified in XMPlay settings. Is this the case or did I do something wrong?


  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #160 on: 16 Dec '21 - 21:51 »
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the new SIDex plugin doesn't seem to integrate with XMPlay's looping mechanism, so if a SID song would loop it simply stops at the end of the loop rather than jumping back and fading out for the duration specified in XMPlay settings. Is this the case or did I do something wrong?

I put a single track in my playlist and played it with loop track enabled. It looped and restarted as expected..?



  • Posts: 2787
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #161 on: 16 Dec '21 - 22:06 »
No, I don't want the track to loop, but the opposite. I want it fade out once it reaches the loop end. XMPlay can automatically fade out a song if it didn't end with silence, but the plugin has to cooperate for that. The details are described here:


  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #162 on: 16 Dec '21 - 22:25 »
No, I don't want the track to loop, but the opposite. I want it fade out once it reaches the loop end. XMPlay can automatically fade out a song if it didn't end with silence, but the plugin has to cooperate for that. The details are described here:

Seems to work fine for me. Looped a couple of times, then at the beginning of the final loop it faded out and stopped.


  • Posts: 2787
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #163 on: 16 Dec '21 - 22:43 »
Right somehow, the "Auot-loop any track ending with sound" option was unticked when I tried it (too used to XMPlay's own Mod player not needing that being set)...
Still there is something questionable happening here: When the song loops, the fade-in is applied. From my understanding, the fade-in value should only be applied when the song plays for the first time. I don't think I need this option and just disabled it, but still it should probably not be applied when looping.

Sigma Seven

  • Posts: 14
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #164 on: 25 Dec '21 - 17:17 »
I think I might have come across a possible bug guys.

I started playing Last Ninja 3 - Tune 3 from my playlist. After about 20 secs, all of a sudden XMPlay stopped playback and it jumped to the third song down in the playlist queue from there and started playing that one.

This with no user input whatsoever. I didn't touch the PC or even looked at the screen when this happened, as I was messing with the coffee in my hand.

Then, at a later session, the very same thing happened, but this time during LN3 - Tune 8. And again, it jumped three rows down and started playing that playlist entry.

Now that I think about it, this had happened one other time as well, before LN3 - Tunes 3 & 8. I can't remember which SID that was, but it was also a subtune of that SID.

I've tried a few times but I have been unable to reproduce the error manually.

I have all my chip and modules and a copy of XMPlay on a thumb drive and whenever it gets reassigned a different drive letter, the HVSC library links break. Would it be feasible to make this a relative link? XMPlay stays in the same location relative to the HVSC docs folder on the drive, it's just the drive letter changing, and that'd mean i wouldn't keep having to update the directory whenever i move computers. Small gripe, but small harm in asking too, eh.

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
I have all my chip and modules and a copy of XMPlay on a thumb drive and whenever it gets reassigned a different drive letter, the HVSC library links break. Would it be feasible to make this a relative link? XMPlay stays in the same location relative to the HVSC docs folder on the drive, it's just the drive letter changing, and that'd mean i wouldn't keep having to update the directory whenever i move computers. Small gripe, but small harm in asking too, eh.

Try this kind of formatting instead, don't forget the last /


Note that if it doesn't work, try another ../ if your plugin is located in a /plugins folder etc.


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #167 on: 1 Feb '22 - 15:12 »
I have all my chip and modules and a copy of XMPlay on a thumb drive and whenever it gets reassigned a different drive letter, the HVSC library links break. Would it be feasible to make this a relative link? XMPlay stays in the same location relative to the HVSC docs folder on the drive, it's just the drive letter changing, and that'd mean i wouldn't keep having to update the directory whenever i move computers. Small gripe, but small harm in asking too, eh.

no harm done , added a few things including a file selection dialog for the correct folder ( to locate Songlengths.md5 etc ), was going to get round to eventually and i eventually did.

may add a check to see if the Songlengths.md5 db is located along with xmplay in the same folder in a bit.

i also niticed the libsidplay from drfiemost has been updated so i updated the plugin with all the latest changes.

i will post my update in a bit, meanwhile

this is the new output.

« Last Edit: 1 Feb '22 - 15:59 by Malade »


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #168 on: 1 Feb '22 - 16:40 »


latest libsidplayfp with a few extra whistles and bells.

probably be the last update from me this , i will upload the code to github as soon as i can, all the best and hope you all had a brilliant xmas and new year , all the best and,

have fun. :)

file attached to this post.


  • Posts: 64
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #169 on: 2 Feb '22 - 13:27 »

sourcecode @ github.

have fun with it , was interesting making it , learnt some interesting things about how the sid chip actually works inside the old breadbins.


  • Posts: 1
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #170 on: 28 Mar '22 - 02:06 »
I am not a coder or know anything about xmplay plug-ins but it would be awesome if this could support Compute Gazette's .mus files. A lot of C64 music was preserved in this manner that was not strictly C64 game music.

The previous recommended XMP-SID plugin was able to play .mus files.


  • Guest
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #171 on: 17 Apr '23 - 04:29 »
Trying to listen to the main theme from Netherworld on C64 and downloaded this so XMPlay supports it. Instacrash when playing SID file. I am using Windows XP SP3 x86 and an Athlon 64, is this setup incompatible with this plugin? If it adds anything, I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS as the output device.


  • Posts: 37
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #172 on: 17 Apr '23 - 12:01 »
Trying to listen to the main theme from Netherworld on C64 and downloaded this so XMPlay supports it. Instacrash when playing SID file. I am using Windows XP SP3 x86 and an Athlon 64, is this setup incompatible with this plugin? If it adds anything, I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS as the output device.

It seems to play fine "without crashing" for me. Tried with all available .sid plugins for XMPlay and no crashes encountered...

Try bare xmplay, only with plugin to play .sid files and no other gizmos... and see if it will crash.



  • Posts: 130
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #173 on: 18 Apr '23 - 00:02 »
Trying to listen to the main theme from Netherworld on C64 and downloaded this so XMPlay supports it. Instacrash when playing SID file. I am using Windows XP SP3 x86 and an Athlon 64, is this setup incompatible with this plugin? If it adds anything, I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS as the output device.

Which version of the SID plugin are you using?

A little birdy tells me that there is a new new version of SIDex. Ahead of that official release though, I have a number of SIDex versions collected from the last round of beta testing and one might work for you, so let me know which you already have.

I'm listening to Netherworld (mega guitar sample heavy, hmm) right now, plays fine.

Edit: Make sure you set the SID plugin so that it has priority playback for sid files..



  • Posts: 1
Re: SIDex plugin
« Reply #174 on: 26 Apr '23 - 09:23 »
Is it possible to add the possibility to read HSVC info from a zip file, instead the md5 uncompressed file?