Author Topic: On Windows, don't let .MSC get attached as default open in xmplay  (Read 1677 times)


  • Posts: 141
%windir%\system32\diskmgmt.msc will try to load as a song in xmplay...

Maybe we can't prevent this? :D

Keltic Danor

  • XMPlay Support
  • Posts: 916
...why are you opening your windows directory in XMPlay? :P


  • Posts: 2787
Maybe we can't prevent this?
You can prevent it, yes: By not blindly letting XMPlay associate with all file extensions claimed to be supported by all installed plugins. Most likely you are using in_adlib, which has MSC in its list of supported extensions. If you go to Settings -> Integration, you can remove MSC from the list of associated extensions. Generally it makes sense to only check the extensions there that you know you are going to use, because there will always be conflicts between extensions of obscure music formats and more common software. It shouldn't be up to XMPlay to decide whether a file extension claiming to be supported by a plugin is "worthy" being (manually!) associated with XMPlay or if there is a more important application on the system that already uses that application.