I'd say that after verifying that you're using the latest update (or even better the latest beta version) you shoud report any non coincidences between the error list on different api defines (*.bas, *.h, etc.) files and between those and the help files (*.chm) and the online help so Ian can correct them.
I notice that there are differences between the 2.4.17 VB6 api (bass.bas) and the help (bass.chm) files.
I didn't verify the internal coherence of the help file (maybe some errors are listed on some functions' detailed help and not on the BASS_ErrorGetCode help and viceversa).
I'd say you should report these intenal incoherences too.
As for me, I'd trust the bass.h defines better because the bass.bas defines are probably translated from those.
If some of the defines are deprecated (because those errors aren't triggered anymore) it won't hurt to keep their definitions, anyway.
If BASS_ErrorGetCode reports a error number not defined in bass.bas I'd say report that too.