Author Topic: An error while uploading an application to the iOS Appstore  (Read 557 times)


  • Posts: 21
Hello there,
when uploading my app for testing to ASC I get the following error (see the image). I have looked p the key and indeed, it does not exist. It is worth looking into as the issue seems to occur only on latest development versions of MacOS/Xcode

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26218
Indeed, the BASS framework Info.plist files don't currently include a CFBundleVersion entry, only CFBundleShortVersionString. That seems to have been fine up to now, but perhaps something has changed recently. Are you only having the problem when using the latest Xcode 15 beta? Here's an updated Info.plist file with a CFBundleVersion entry added:

Please try replacing the one in bass.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7_armv7s/bass.framework with that, and see if you still have the problem then.


  • Posts: 21
Hey there @Ian,
Deploying your Plist fixed the issue. Apple has a history of trying to push such a change, it was also a few years back but then it was reversed. I have tested it both on Xcode 15 Beta 5 and 6, and the same issue occurs. It seems that it is a server-side validation this time.

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26218
Good to hear that the Info.plist update fixed the problem. The update is now in the iOS BASS package. Similar updates are in the add-on packages too, in case you need any of those.