Ok, I think I know what's going on. I did make a sample work (after many changes on security for some resx files)
When I first tried to run and example I'm getting the below error message:
Operación Compilar iniciada..
1>------ Operación Compilar iniciada: Proyecto: WaveForm Example, configuración: Debug Any CPU ------
1>D:\Visual Studio\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(3327,5): error MSB3821: No se puede procesar el archivo wfExample.resx porque está en Internet o en una zona restringida, o bien tiene la marca de la Web. Quite esta marca si desea procesar los archivos.
========== Compilación: 0 correcto, 1 erróneo, 0 actualizado, 0 omitido ==========
========= Compilar se inició en 16:10 y tomó 00,161 segundos ==========
What the error said is:
The file wfExample.resx can't be processed due to it is in the Internet or in a unnaccesible zone, or it has a Web mark. Take out the mark to proceed.
This is happening with most of the resx files in the sample folders
I'm opening the folder on where the file is located, right click, properties and click over the Unlock option under security.
After remove the block for all the resx file the sample now can be executed after copying the bass.dll into the Debug folder.
What I'm also realized is that the examples files are configured as .Net 4.8 and my project is .Net 6.0. The examples now works, but my project keeps showing the same error message I said at the beggining. Even when I'm copying the Bass.Net.Dll from the .\core folder as the doc is explaining.
On top of that, I found also that for some reason, my Visual Studio is not allowing me to change the .Net version. Even having installed the .Net 4.8, I'm not able to change when the project was created as .Net 6.0 , and Visual Studio is not allowing me to create a new project with a different .Net version thatn 6.0. So at this point I'm thinking on a fresh installation and check from that.
Thanks for your support!