Author Topic: is there a way to know how much data have been read from a mixer source?  (Read 287 times)


  • Posts: 500
is there a way to know how many bytes have been read from a mixer source?

channelGetPosition gives me the playback position but for some reasons i need to know the bytes count the mixer have read from a source that was not starting from 0  (uncompressed data)

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26254
There isn't currently any way to get that info from the mixer, but you could calculate it from the source's BASS_ChannelGetPosition (BASS_POS_BYTE) values. You would get the value before adding the source to the mixer and then subtract that from the current values.


  • Posts: 500
yes i know but i was hoping there was a way because having many streams added to the mixer i have to keep record of all their start position and it's not optimal.

Consider it as a feature request if you can add it in bassmix

thank you