Author Topic: Is it possible to play RTP streams directly from BASS?  (Read 330 times)


  • Posts: 69

I have been looking at the help files and some of the posts here, and what I understand is that it's not possible to play RTP streams directly from BASS right now. Is that correct? If so, is there any plans to add that functionality, or examples of how to build something to be able to process that kind of streams?

Thanks in advance

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26209
I'm afraid it is correct that BASS doesn't include support for RTP. So you would currently need to use another library to implement the RTP stuff (or implement it yourself if familiar) and then feed the audio data to a stream created with BASS_StreamCreateFileUser.


  • Posts: 69
Hello Ian,

Thanks for the reply.

I am not really familiar with the RTP stuff, so I don't see it quite as a possibility to implement that part myself. It might be easier than I imagine, would have to check, but I was hoping it was something already implemented as part of the very bast and very capable BASS :-)

Do you have any pointers at libraries where I could start digging around to implement my solution? I work with C/C++.


Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26209
I haven't tried any RTP libraries myself, so I can't recommend anything in particular, but these seem promising?


  • Posts: 499
i use libmpv

i set libmpv to output audio to a pipe and i feed bass with uncompressed audio samples

in my opinion it's easy to use


  • Posts: 69
Hello MB_SOFT,

I thought about something similar. I already use FFMPEG for some video related stuff, and I think it should be able to capture and "process" an RTP stream... just haven't gone into the details of how could this be implemented. I haven't played around with pipes before so it's all new to me.

Ian, I saw also the repos you linked, and I guess at the end it is going to be something similar to what MB_SOFT is doing, althought maybe without the pipes step, but it might be compensated by the fact that there is already software working that could process the RTP stuff and just produce the audio output to be used by BASS.

Thanks for the ideas!