Author Topic: BASS_ATTRIB_MIXER_VOL slides sometimes appear to end prematurely on iOS  (Read 215 times)


  • Posts: 2787
As the title says... using the latest BASS "stuff" version and latest stable BASSMIX (there appears to be no "stuff" version at this point in time), we're observing that some mixer volume slides appear to stop prematurely, but so far I can only see this issue on iOS. We feed all of our application's output into one mixer, so we can set the overall global volume of our application without having to adjust each individual stream manually.
There is an option to mute the entire application, so we have a BASS_ChannelSlideAttribute call on this mixer to smoothly fade the BASS_ATTRIB_MIXER_VOL from 1 to 0 and back. However, sometimes this slide randomly ends at some value inbetween, so the application keeps emitting audio even though the slide should have reached 0 (and BASS_ChannelGetAttribute returns 0 or 1 as it should). Using BASS_ATTRIB_VOL instead of BASS_ATTRIB_MIXER_VOL doesn't have this issue, as far as I can observe.

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26217
That's strange. I'll look into it and hopefully get back with an update for you to try, or a debug version for more info if nothing is found.

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26217
Here's a BASSmix update for you to try:

Please let me know if you still see the problem happening with that.


  • Posts: 2787
Thanks, that fixes the issue! Is there any update necessary for other platforms or was this bug exclusive to iOS?

Ian @ un4seen

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 26217
Good to hear that it's working properly now. I think the issue could also affect the other platforms (it was a race condition), so here are updates for them too: