Author Topic: Can't load Bass.NET.DLL on mac  (Read 66 times)


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Can't load Bass.NET.DLL on mac
« on: 22 Nov '24 - 08:31 »
I wanted to update the latest version of Bass.NET.dll on mac .
So I downloaded the latest version( of from website and used the Bass.NET.dll in ./core folder because it says it supports mac platform.
Also I update the latest version of libbass.dylib also and it and Bass.Net.dll are in the same folder at launch.
But I got this error.
<Could not load file or assembly 'Bass.Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b7566c273e6ef480'. The system cannot find the file specified.>
could you let me know the why?


  • Posts: 4840
Re: Can't load Bass.NET.DLL on mac
« Reply #1 on: 22 Nov '24 - 18:42 »
Loading of the native libs hasn't changed in Bass.Net - so I am not sure, what could be the issue..
But the error indicates, that the files can not be found. Maybe a path issue?