Author Topic: How do volume settings mix in BASS?  (Read 170 times)


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How do volume settings mix in BASS?
« on: 23 Dec '24 - 13:15 »
I'm porting some code that uses BASS to Javascript/WebAudio that sets volume in different ways.

When I use BASS_SetVolume, BASS_SetGlobalVolumes, and BASS_SampleSetInfo, do the volumes in each of these combine multiplicatively?

For instance, if I set them all to 50%, does my sound sample play at 12.5% of its original volume? Or does it combine in some other way (e.g. minimum or setting the system volume)?

Also, is volume in BASS 1:1 equivalent to "gain" in WebAudio? With WebAudio, I can use a gain of > 1.0, which boosts audio but may cause it to clip, while BASS has a max of 1.0.

Ian @ un4seen

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Re: How do volume settings mix in BASS?
« Reply #1 on: 24 Dec '24 - 16:21 »
The final volume level will indeed be a product of the device/global/channel volume settings. BASS_SampleSetInfo can actually set a volume greater than 1.0, as can BASS_ATTRIB_VOL (BASS_SampleSetInfo sets the default for that in the case of a sample channel).