I have still dedected a Crash in the Bass_fx.dll
it seams to be The Call Bass_ChannelGetData inside of the Bass_FX.dll
EAccessViolation by Adress 03009856 in Modul 'bass_fx.dll Reading Adress of 045DD000
thread $5d0: <priority:15>
03009856 +00 bass_fx.dll
77c0a3ad +a6 msvcrt.dll _endthreadex
0042faaf +27 PC_Pro.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
main thread ($fb4):
7c90eb94 +000 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c90e9be +00a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
7c919016 +087 ntdll.dll RtlpWaitForCriticalSection
7c901046 +041 ntdll.dll RtlEnterCriticalSection
1001bdc3 +399 bass.dll BASS_ChannelGetData
1001c42a +075 bass.dll BASS_ChannelGetLevel
733a9599 +00a MSVBVM60.DLL BASIC_CLASS_Release
004cb345 +01d PC_Pro.exe Player_A 2073 +1 TPlayerA.SetVuMeter
005ae7eb +05b PC_Pro.exe MainForm 3133 +6 TForm_Raum_1.pos_timer_2Timer
00477ddf +01b PC_Pro.exe ExtCtrls 1620 +1 TTimer.Timer
00477c4b +02f PC_Pro.exe ExtCtrls 1578 +4 TTimer.WndProc
00457e50 +014 PC_Pro.exe Classes 10565 +8 StdWndProc
77d1bcc7 +00a user32.dll DispatchMessageA
004ada5c +0ac PC_Pro.exe Forms 6696 +13 TApplication.ProcessMessage
004adaa3 +00f PC_Pro.exe Forms 6715 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
004add3e +0a6 PC_Pro.exe Forms 6799 +16 TApplication.Run
005c4b0d +29d PC_Pro.exe PC_Pro 76 +35 initialization
0300984a loc_300984a:
0300984a cmp edx, ecx
0300984c jge loc_300988c
0300984e mov eax, edx
03009850 add edx, [ebp+$10]
03009853 shl eax, 2
03009856 sub_3009856: ; function entry point
03009856 > fld dword ptr [esi+edx*4]
03009859 fsub dword ptr [eax+esi]
0300985c fcomp dword ptr [$300b140]
03009862 fnstsw ax
03009864 test ah, $41
03009867 jp loc_3009882
03009869 test ebx, ebx
0300986b jz loc_300986e
0300986d dec ebx
0300986e loc_300986e:
0300986e fcom dword ptr [esi+edx*4]
03009871 fnstsw ax
03009873 test ah, $41
03009876 jnz loc_3009888
03009878 fstp st
0300987a fld dword ptr [esi+edx*4]
0300987d mov [ebp+8], edx
03009880 jmp loc_3009888
03009880 ; ---------------------------------------------------------
03009882 loc_3009882:
03009882 inc ebx
03009883 cmp ebx, 5
03009886 jg loc_300988c
03009888 loc_3009888:
03009888 cmp edx, edi
0300988a jg loc_300984a
0300988c loc_300988c:
0300988c mov eax, [ebp+8]
0300988f pop edi
03009890 pop esi
03009891 pop ebx
03009892 fstp st
03009894 pop ebp
03009895 ret $c
Greets Chris