Hi..so now I`m Back with one Qustion..at this Moment I`m developing a BassPlayer for Delphi....
(supporting Speaker,Pitch,FadeOut,FadeIn,Effects,other location of the dll ) and many more things.....If I`m ready i will post it but vor now my Question.
The Orginal Dynamic.pas Code ist
const BASS_Handle:Thandle=0;
Function Load_BASSDLL (const dllpath:string ; const dllfilename:string) :boolean;
Function Load_BASSDLL (const dllpath:string ; const dllfilename:string) :boolean;
var DlPath:String;
var pt:pchar;
var oldmode:integer;
if BASS_Handle<>0 then result:=true {is it already there ?}
else begin {go & load the dll}
if (dllpath[length(dllpath)]<>'\') then dlpath:=dllpath+'\' else dlpath:=dllpath; {path with \ or without... add a \ if there isn't one...}
pt:=pchar(dlpath+dllfilename); {now cast it a bit}
BASS_Handle:=LoadLibrary(pt); // obtain the handle we want
if BASS_Handle<>0 then
begin {now we tie the functions to the VARs from above}
And here Is my Error How can I add more BassInstances ??
in my Componnt I have an Extra Option where the User can set the directory from the location off the bass.dll