Just downloaded XMPlay for first time, but have used BASS for years. Nice if they could been cominied, but this is offtypic of this thread.
I really like this Delix plugin, even some tunes is not correctly play correct, example like these:
- R-Type (some subtunes won't play)
- Jesper Olsen tunes
- Oil Imperium (Karsten Obarski)
- Ghouls n Ghosts (Tim Follin) (noise when you open it, but when cliking on a tubtunes, then they play all fine)
- Tearaway Thomas.
I have used deliplayer most, but seen discounted and is still have some very annoyring bugs on that on a danish OS, which need a reinstall Deliplayer after a while.
But is is possible to add new deliplayers to the dat archive, or is only include files it works with to add few missing players, so I think I can get most of the above to work?
Some tunes dosent jump correct to next song, even they end fine. Would been fine to have a silenct detector, so it jump after a while and mightbeen set a default length?