Author Topic: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)  (Read 799697 times)


  • Posts: 4
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #625 on: 20 Apr '10 - 17:09 »
I'm a fan.
Since I prefer Xmplay for sound quality and full usability and sociability in
Is it possible you could add a feature in this add-on which sends PLAYING NOW/LISTENING NOW info to

There's a bug report: It says the current track should already have been submitted and REFUSES to scrobble the track I listen to, hideously. Is it not a bug? I'm using 0.96 and since I upgraded from 0.93 this BUG is here suddenly annoying the heck out of me.

I say it is a bug because should/shouldn't questions makes no sense here. Please let me scrobble the music in Xmplay without making me press the STOP and PLAY button for every track to avoid this BUG again and again!
« Last Edit: 20 Apr '10 - 17:34 by natschos »


  • Posts: 2878
Is it possible you could add a feature in this add-on which sends playing now info to
That was already Xanders intention.
I'm planning on writing a new version of the scrobbler plugin, compatible with the new protocol (e.g. "Now playing" notifications, seeking allowed, ...) using the sockets API directly instead of the cURL library; but it'll take some time.
Have some patience :).


  • Posts: 4
Is it possible you could add a feature in this add-on which sends playing now info to
That was already Xanders intention.
I'm planning on writing a new version of the scrobbler plugin, compatible with the new protocol (e.g. "Now playing" notifications, seeking allowed, ...) using the sockets API directly instead of the cURL library; but it'll take some time.
Have some patience :).

Well, thanks for answering me! I only try to help..

I had found a bug above, see. Nothing helps, since I upgraded from 0.93 to .96

OM G, I had problem with handshake with it, and then I removed plugin and re-add, and now Xmplay crashed AGAIN! (using .93)

Now it works (.93)


OM G It added the track to CACHE instead of scrobbling? WHY o WHY?

2010-04-20 19:15:36   [INFO] Current track: Third Eye Blind - Wounded (Blue)
2010-04-20 19:15:36   [INFO] Submitting in 137 seconds...
2010-04-20 19:17:52   [INFO] Track added to the cache for submission
2010-04-20 19:17:52   [INFO] Preparing to submit 1 track(s) from the cache
2010-04-20 19:19:58   [DEBUG] DSP_SetFormat( 1, NULL )
2010-04-20 19:19:58   [DEBUG] DSP_StopTrack
2010-04-20 19:19:58   [DEBUG] DSP_NewTrack (CLOSE)
2010-04-20 19:19:58   [DEBUG] DSP_NewTrack (OPEN)
2010-04-20 19:19:58   [DEBUG] DSP_SetFormat( 1, 44100, 2 )
2010-04-20 19:20:06   [DEBUG] XMP_FetchInfo -- start
2010-04-20 19:20:06   [WARNING] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly!
2010-04-20 19:20:06   [DEBUG] XMP_FetchInfo -- end
2010-04-20 19:20:06   [DEBUG] len = 92, diff = 8
2010-04-20 19:20:06   [INFO] Current track: Third Eye Blind - 10 Days Late (Blue)
2010-04-20 19:20:06   [INFO] Submitting in 84 seconds...
2010-04-20 19:21:29   [DEBUG] DSP_Process -- sec <= 0
2010-04-20 19:21:29   [DEBUG] XMP_SubmitProc start
2010-04-20 19:21:29   [DEBUG] AddTrack (cache_size = 1, tracks_size = 10)
2010-04-20 19:21:29   [INFO] Track added to the cache for submission
2010-04-20 19:21:29   [INFO] Preparing to submit 2 track(s) from the cache
2010-04-20 19:21:29   [DEBUG] Submitting...
2010-04-20 19:21:30   [DEBUG] Submission succeeded.
2010-04-20 19:21:30   [INFO] Submission succeeded!
2010-04-20 19:21:30   [DEBUG] Submit interval set to 1 second(s).

Conclusion: I had to downgrade to .93 for it to work.
« Last Edit: 20 Apr '10 - 18:26 by natschos »


  • Posts: 2878
I had found a bug above, see. Nothing helps, since I upgraded from 0.93 to .96
Don't edit your post after someone answers.
It says the current track should already have been submitted and REFUSES to scrobble the track I listen to, hideously. Is it not a bug?
That's probably not a bug. Try playing a different track and see whether it works.
I had problem with handshake with it, and then I removed plugin and re-add, and now Xmplay crashed AGAIN! (using .93) OM G It added the track to CACHE instead of scrobbling? WHY o WHY?
If the handshake fails, it usually means you've put the wrong username/password, or that servers are too busy to handle your request. If the track can't be scrobbled, it'll be saved to the cache for later submission. As you can see in your own log, it's submitting 2 tracks: the current track and the cached one.


  • Posts: 32
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #629 on: 20 Apr '10 - 21:08 »
Is it possible you could add a feature in this add-on which sends PLAYING NOW/LISTENING NOW info to

Unfortunately I can't add that to the current plugin (it follows the old specs of the protocol), but as Dotpitch said I intend to do a new version complying to the current one. I had to push it to the background though, I'll post it in the forums once it's ready (I've been busy in "real life", I have some obligations that must be addressed).

There's a bug report: It says the current track should already have been submitted and REFUSES to scrobble the track I listen to, hideously. Is it not a bug? I'm using 0.96 and since I upgraded from 0.93 this BUG is here suddenly annoying the heck out of me.

I'll try to throw some light on it: When you play a track, the plugin waits X seconds before it gets the tag info about that track (artists, title, ...) which by default are 10 seconds (you can verify it in the plugin options from 0.9.5 on).

Then, it retrieves the track info and calculates when to submit the track. Now, if the track lasts more than 480 seconds the submission time is 240 seconds, otherwise it is length / 2. Of course that is if the track is at least 30 seconds long, can't be submitted if it's shorter.

As XMPlay allows you to resume playing, I implemented a (weak) mechanism to avoid double submissions and problems when submitting CUE listings: when it calculates the submission time, if you're over it (e.g. you're resuming a song past the point of submission) the plugin will interpreter that as if the track was already submitted and won't submit it.

There should not be any problem with this part, but if you can reproduce the problem please let me know the details (track length, if you were resuming or just playing from the beginning, and plugin version and delay (if applies)) and I'll look into it. If you may, please upload a complete log file when this happens showing the behaviour.

OM G It added the track to CACHE instead of scrobbling? WHY o WHY?

That was a decission of the original developer. When the submission time is over, if the track is good to go it's added to the cache and then submitted when there's an Internet connection available. You don't have to worry about this, I'll work :).

I upgraded from 0.93 to .96
OM G, I had problem with handshake with it, and then I removed plugin and re-add, and now Xmplay crashed AGAIN! (using .93)
I had to downgrade to .93 for it to work.

You may upgrade to 0.9.6 safely, but if you downgrade from 0.9.5+ you have to reconfigure the plugin.

Kind regards.

P.S.: You beat me to it Dotpitch, I was just answering :P.


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #630 on: 2 May '10 - 08:05 »

sorry for not reading previous posts to search for a fix for this issue O:-)

my problem with the plugin is that it doesn't scrobble some tracks, and i don't know why. they are properly tagged; the only thing i found were  some warnings in the log, about a non-valid Musicbrainz ID. at first i presumed, since this is only a warning, that the tags should be read fine and scrobble without trouble. here is a part of the log:

Code: [Select]
2010-05-02 08:56:43 [INFO] Preparing to submit 1 track(s) from the cache
2010-05-02 08:56:44 [INFO] Submission succeeded!
2010-05-02 09:00:11 [WARNING] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly!
2010-05-02 09:00:11 [INFO] The current track should already have been submitted, resuming playback.
2010-05-02 09:05:42 [WARNING] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly!
2010-05-02 09:05:42 [INFO] Current track: Movits - Fel del av garden ()
2010-05-02 09:05:42 [INFO] Submitting in 107 seconds...

oh well; i don't know where the problem could be :) i'm quite worried about the "The current track should already have been submitted..." line, as this seems to indicate the skipping.

i'll gladly be more helpful, if needed.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #631 on: 2 May '10 - 09:07 »
my problem with the plugin is that it doesn't scrobble some tracks, and i don't know why. they are properly tagged; the only thing i found were  some warnings in the log, about a non-valid Musicbrainz ID. at first i presumed, since this is only a warning, that the tags should be read fine and scrobble without trouble. here is a part of the log ... oh well; i don't know where the problem could be. i'm quite worried about the "The current track should already have been submitted..." line, as this seems to indicate the skipping.
MusicBrainz tags make sure your files are tagged properly, but it won't stop xmp-scrobbler from scrobbling if they're not present. xmp-scrobbler submits tracks at half their length (e.g. a 3m34s track is scrobbled at 107 seconds). If the plugin finds itself started after that point (for example because you start XMPlay and resume a track from that point), it assumes the track was already scrobbled. This will only happen on the first track, and only if you're past the first half of the file. All the next tracks will be scrobbled as usual.

Now, on with your problem. First, go to the configuration and switch on debug logging. Play a dozen of tracks and take a look at the logfile. Do they all have 'Submission succeeded'? Check your profile as well, do they show up there as well? If, for some reason, a track can't be scrobbled, it'll be saved to the cache so it can (and will) be submitted later. If this happens, either your username/password is wrong, or the servers can't handle your request.


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #632 on: 2 May '10 - 11:18 »
wow, that's a quick response :)

what you're saying makes sense. however, the 'track already scrobbled' appears often during regular playback. (and it were often these tracks that didn't show up on also, my credentials are correctly typed in (as some tracks do indeed show up :))

another sample of the old log:

here goes the debug log:

so far, it scrobbles the songs which were previously skipped :D it's the Murphy's law - when a mechanic is around to fix a problem, there is no problem :))

the 'track already submitted' notes miraculously disappeared. i'll hunt some more for them :)

also, i see that from some song tags, the last character is being cut off :D so this way, i have in my music library artists like Gorilla, Morrisse, Koshee, A Perfect Circl... :) but maybe that's an XMplay issue?


  • Posts: 2878
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #633 on: 2 May '10 - 11:56 »
however, the 'track already scrobbled' appears often during regular playback. ... the 'track already submitted' notes miraculously disappeared. i'll hunt some more for them.
If that happens again, please report which tracks it occured with and post the contents of the logfile.
here goes the debug log:
also, i see that from some song tags, the last character is being cut off. so this way, i have in my music library artists like Gorilla, Morrisse, Koshee, A Perfect Circl... but maybe that's an XMPlay issue?
You seem to have some connection problems, but the cache makes sure all tracks are scrobbled properly. For those lost characters, does it happen with all tags, or just with the Artist tags? Could you post the content of the Message tab of the Info Window for a problematic track from 'A Perfect Circle'?


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Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #634 on: 2 May '10 - 12:58 »
If that happens again, please report which tracks it occured with and post the contents of the logfile.

of course; you got it.

ontent of the Message tab of the Info Window

yes, it happens only with Artist tags; at the end of the second log you see the final character stripped (L154, L138...)


  • Posts: 2878
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #635 on: 2 May '10 - 13:58 »
Could you post the image for 'A Perfect Circle - Sleeping Beauty' as well? That one is scrobbled correctly, so it might give a hint as to what causes this problem.


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #636 on: 2 May '10 - 14:43 »
no, it isn't;
check the line 154 in the log. also, it might seem as it is correct, but that's only due to's spelling correction (marked by the green star).

in the log, the last correctly spelled MP3 track is on line 7 - Kotov Syndrome by Rise Against. (songs from Mad Season are in m4a format; so i don't know whether its info would be very helpful)


  • Posts: 32
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #637 on: 2 May '10 - 16:39 »
Hello eidam,

The double submission prevention seems to be causing some trouble, but I don't seem to be able to replicate the problems in my side. If you happen to come across tracks being "already submitted" again, post the track length and the log please. If you could provide an screenshot of the plugin configuration dialog in that case it would be appreciated too.

I can't reproduce the problem of the missing last letter either, could you please upload a track from "A Perfect Circle" or any other file which artist is not complete somewhere? It may be something related to the tags of those files.

If you prefer a FTP server use this one:

User: xmplay
Password: xmplay

EDIT: Could you tell me the version of the plugin you're using too?
« Last Edit: 2 May '10 - 16:50 by Xander »


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Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #638 on: 2 May '10 - 16:52 »
for testing purposes only 8) yes, i agree it might have something to do with the tags; different encoding at write/read seems to be the most probable issue. but i'm not an expert ;)

to the submission problem - i haven't been able to replicate it myself since then. i don't know what could have caused it.


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #639 on: 2 May '10 - 17:43 »
ah, can't edit guest posts.

i use both latest stable releases, since i'm a fresh user; xmplay 3.5, and xmp scrobbler 0.9.6 i think it is.


  • Posts: 32
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #640 on: 2 May '10 - 19:20 »
Strange... I can submit the track correctly.

I have isolated a clean environment, only with XMPlay 3.5.1 (the one from the website) and the plugin v0.9.6; the artist is recognized correctly, there's nothing wrong in the tags (

Are you still having problems with missing letters? If so I've built a version of the plugin which creates an additional file ("State.txt") with some info. Please use this one and play a track that is not being recognized correctly, then post the contents of the file. You may play several tracks if you want, info on each track would appear, but State.txt is re-created each time XMPlay starts.

Here is the plugin: xmp-scrobbler.dll


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #641 on: 2 May '10 - 21:20 »

this is very funny. the letters are not stripped with this version :D what the hell is happening?


Code: [Select]
Plugin data:
 - State: On
 - Ever configured: Yes
 - Fetch: Delayed (5)

just when i thought i understand computers... :D


  • Posts: 32
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #642 on: 2 May '10 - 21:40 »
It is strange indeed, I didn't change anything in the plugin you downloaded (and have not changed the libraries nor the compiler), I only added this new file to know more about what was happening.

The part you posted is the first part of the state file, which gives some info on the plugin state. The second part appears when the plugin gets the info on the tracks, prints there the artist and title in hex. That was to know which letters there were really as I couldn't get it to fail here, but there is no need for this part right now.

Anyway, I'm glad it works now (sort of... I'd like to know what could be causing that behaviour). Using the "no-state" version of the plugin works too right?


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #643 on: 3 May '10 - 00:17 »
it's not a first part; that's the whole content of the file. (wtf? :))

maybe the sole reinstalling of the plugin helped? :D

but i see a pattern here - turn on debug mode = scrobble all tracks, use state printing version = scrobble all letters.. :D

personally, i didn't try to revert the plugin, as i am happy with the functionality now :) but as i know how bug hunting feels like, i can try it during this week, if you want.


  • Posts: 32
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #644 on: 3 May '10 - 01:40 »
Well, there shouldn't be any problem with either the version posted in the first post of this thread or the one that creates the state file (as I said I only added the creation of the file, didn't change anything else in the code).

it's not a first part; that's the whole content of the file. (wtf? :))
Sure fair enough, I only added it for tracks with ID3v2 tracks (and not being in library); in the beginning it was thought for a quick diag of the situation and worked for me. If you wish to see that output you may re-download the file.

personally, i didn't try to revert the plugin, as i am happy with the functionality now :) but as i know how bug hunting feels like, i can try it during this week, if you want.
I have revised the code, and there shouldn't be any problem of this kind (the original dev allowed to use for the artist and title up to 256 characters each). I don't really know what could have happened there. It must have been something temporary, don't worry ;).


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #645 on: 3 May '10 - 07:27 »
damn, and just when i wanted to mark this issue resolved, i suddenly got Paramor in my library  :D :o ???

Code: [Select]
2010-05-03 08:00:07 [DEBUG] DSP_NewTrack (OPEN)
2010-05-03 08:00:08 [DEBUG] DSP_SetFormat( 1, 44100, 2 )
2010-05-03 08:00:11 [DEBUG] XMP_FetchInfo -- start
2010-05-03 08:00:11 [WARNING] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly!
2010-05-03 08:00:11 [DEBUG] XMP_FetchInfo -- end
2010-05-03 08:00:11 [DEBUG] len = 90, diff = 3
2010-05-03 08:00:11 [INFO] Current track: Paramor - Misguided Ghosts (Brand New Eyes)
2010-05-03 08:00:11 [INFO] Submitting in 87 seconds...
2010-05-03 08:00:31 [DEBUG] DSP_SetFormat( 1, NULL )
2010-05-03 08:00:31 [DEBUG] DSP_StopTrack
2010-05-03 08:00:31 [INFO] Track stopped
2010-05-03 08:00:31 [DEBUG] DSP_NewTrack (CLOSE)


  • Posts: 32
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #646 on: 3 May '10 - 10:40 »
That makes no sense...  ???

Did you re-download the state file plugin? If not, please do and use that one. Whenever you come across this again please upload that file (it should have both parts I mentioned now).

I'm afraid in the end there I may need to send you a more detailed build to gather more info on what's going on. What other plugins are you using?


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #647 on: 3 May '10 - 22:35 »
re-downloaded from here

state.txt still has the only one part (how should i proceed to make it produce the other part?) - same as before (i promise i don't make this up! :))

aaand the letter gets stripped

Code: [Select]
2010-05-03 23:36:25 ----
2010-05-03 23:36:25 [INFO] Hello, this is xmp-scrobbler 0.9.6
2010-05-03 23:36:25 [DEBUG] GetVersion() = 393347078 (6.0, build 6002)
2010-05-03 23:36:25 [DEBUG] curl_version() = libcurl/7.20.0 OpenSSL/1.0.0 zlib/1.2.4
2010-05-03 23:36:32 [DEBUG] DSP_NewTrack (OPEN)
2010-05-03 23:36:32 [DEBUG] XMP_ScrobInit() started
2010-05-03 23:36:32 [DEBUG] CacheManager::Load()
2010-05-03 23:36:32 [INFO] Number of entries in the cache: 0
2010-05-03 23:36:32 [DEBUG] Scrobbler::init() - cache loaded, doing handshake...
2010-05-03 23:36:32 [DEBUG] XMP_ScrobInit() finished
2010-05-03 23:36:32 [DEBUG] DSP_SetFormat( 1, 44100, 2 )
2010-05-03 23:36:33 [DEBUG] Handshaking: Client up to date.
2010-05-03 23:36:33 [DEBUG]
2010-05-03 23:36:33 [DEBUG] Submit interval set to 1 second(s).
2010-05-03 23:36:33 [DEBUG] Handshake successful.
2010-05-03 23:36:33 [INFO] Handshake with server successful!
2010-05-03 23:36:36 [DEBUG] XMP_FetchInfo -- start
2010-05-03 23:36:36 [WARNING] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly!
2010-05-03 23:36:36 [DEBUG] XMP_FetchInfo -- end
2010-05-03 23:36:36 [DEBUG] len = 127, diff = 3
2010-05-03 23:36:36 [INFO] Current track: Paramor - Brick By Boring Brick (Brand New Eyes)
2010-05-03 23:36:36 [INFO] Submitting in 124 seconds...
2010-05-03 23:36:54 [DEBUG] DSP_SetFormat( 1, NULL )
2010-05-03 23:36:54 [DEBUG] DSP_StopTrack
2010-05-03 23:36:54 [INFO] Track stopped
2010-05-03 23:36:56 [DEBUG] DSP_NewTrack (CLOSE)
2010-05-03 23:37:08 [DEBUG] DSP_NewTrack (OPEN)
2010-05-03 23:37:08 [DEBUG] DSP_SetFormat( 1, 44100, 2 )
2010-05-03 23:37:11 [DEBUG] XMP_FetchInfo -- start
2010-05-03 23:37:11 [WARNING] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly!
2010-05-03 23:37:11 [DEBUG] XMP_FetchInfo -- end
2010-05-03 23:37:11 [DEBUG] len = 133, diff = 3
2010-05-03 23:37:11 [INFO] Current track: Paramor - The Only Exception (Brand New Eyes)
2010-05-03 23:37:11 [INFO] Submitting in 130 seconds...

plugins i use - the two default, xmp-scrobbler, winamp plugin wrapper. and in it, there is the shoutcast source 1.9.1. in the input section there is Advanced Audio Coding (rev. 6), CD Audio (rev 10b), FLAC (rev. 7) and Windows Media Audio (rev. 12)


  • Posts: 32
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #648 on: 4 May '10 - 00:59 »
state.txt still has the only one part (how should i proceed to make it produce the other part?) - same as before (i promise i don't make this up! :))
Maybe the file was still cached by your browser, here you have a new one:

In this one the state file should have 3 parts:
1. State of the plugin: if it's configured and which delay is being used in fetch.
2. Message block about the current playing track.
3. Current playing track info (only if not CUE).

To get 2 and 3 you have to wait the delay (if you didn't change it, 5 seconds). There will be 2 and 3 for each track played and the file will be overridden whenever XMPlay starts.

Let's hope we can track the problem, I'm sorry for all the problems it's causing to you :(.


  • Guest
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #649 on: 4 May '10 - 01:48 »
whoa; i guess i forgot that windows machines need to be restarted once in 24 hours (apparently)

the state is here - i played few files that get misspelled, some files however are correct; however, i can't spot any pattern.

plus i have to say that the advantage of a community this small and one-man-plugin-project is that i never got this intensive feedback from any developer yet ;) so, as you keep trying to figure out what's happening, i will keep trying to be as helpful as i can be.