Author Topic: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)  (Read 799774 times)


  • Posts: 2878
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #750 on: 23 Sep '13 - 06:27 »
Is it correct that your track doesn't have an album tag? Could you clear the cache and then play some tracks which do have an album tag?


  • Posts: 14
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #751 on: 25 Sep '13 - 11:33 »
nope its not correct. all my files have the correct tags. then again i dont know how musicbrainz work, but everything i rip through eac gets tagged.

deleted the cache again and actually thought it would work this time, but once again i was let down.

Code: [Select]
2013-09-25 12:26:17 [INFO] Hello, this is xmp-scrobbler Pre-0.9.7.
2013-09-25 12:26:46 [INFO] There are 0 entries in cache.
2013-09-25 12:26:46 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-25 12:26:46 [INFO] The current track is too short to be submitted (must be at least 30 seconds long).
2013-09-25 12:26:48 [INFO] Successfully connected to the server.
2013-09-25 12:27:13 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-25 12:27:13 [INFO] The current track is "Let's Just Say (Air Fortress-With Extra Whipped Creme)" by Advantage: proGrammar.
2013-09-25 12:27:46 [INFO] Track added to cache for submission.
2013-09-25 12:27:46 [INFO] Preparing to submit 1 track from cache.
2013-09-25 12:27:46 [INFO] Submission succeeded.
2013-09-25 12:29:14 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-25 12:29:14 [INFO] The current playback was already submitted in the previous XMPlay execution.
2013-09-25 12:31:20 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-25 12:31:20 [INFO] The current playback was already submitted in the previous XMPlay execution.
2013-09-25 12:32:46 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-25 12:32:46 [INFO] The current playback was already submitted in the previous XMPlay execution.


  • Posts: 2878
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #752 on: 25 Sep '13 - 18:34 »
You can ignore the MusicBrainz message, it won't stop the plugin from scrobbling. Could you enable the debug log (in the configuration of xmp-scrobbler)? Let's hope that gives some clues...


  • Posts: 14
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #753 on: 26 Sep '13 - 11:05 »
Code: [Select]
2013-09-26 11:45:56 [DEBUG] The track has been closed.
2013-09-26 11:45:56 [DEBUG] A new track has been opened.
2013-09-26 11:45:56 [DEBUG] Fetching the track data.
2013-09-26 11:45:56 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-26 11:45:56 [DEBUG] Track data fetch ended.
2013-09-26 11:45:56 [DEBUG] PlayTime: 346 Start: 02013-09-26 11:45:56 [INFO] The current playback was already submitted in the previous XMPlay execution.
2013-09-26 11:51:11 [DEBUG] The track has been closed.
2013-09-26 11:51:11 [DEBUG] A new track has been opened.
2013-09-26 11:51:11 [DEBUG] Fetching the track data.
2013-09-26 11:51:11 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-26 11:51:11 [DEBUG] Track data fetch ended.
2013-09-26 11:51:11 [DEBUG] PlayTime: 314 Start: 02013-09-26 11:51:11 [INFO] The current playback was already submitted in the previous XMPlay execution.
2013-09-26 11:55:59 [DEBUG] The track has been closed.
2013-09-26 11:56:00 [DEBUG] A new track has been opened.
2013-09-26 11:56:00 [DEBUG] Fetching the track data.
2013-09-26 11:56:00 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-26 11:56:00 [DEBUG] Track data fetch ended.
2013-09-26 11:56:00 [DEBUG] PlayTime: 287 Start: 02013-09-26 11:56:00 [INFO] The current playback was already submitted in the previous XMPlay execution.
2013-09-26 12:01:21 [DEBUG] The track has been closed.
2013-09-26 12:01:22 [DEBUG] A new track has been opened.
2013-09-26 12:01:22 [DEBUG] Fetching the track data.
2013-09-26 12:01:22 [INFO] No valid MusicBrainz ID found, consider using MusicBrainz taggers to tag this file properly.
2013-09-26 12:01:22 [DEBUG] Track data fetch ended.
2013-09-26 12:01:22 [DEBUG] PlayTime: 321 Start: 02013-09-26 12:01:22 [INFO] The current playback was already submitted in the previous XMPlay execution.

didnt get anything out of this myself, but perhaps you can?

edit: just thought of something. i moved my entire xmplay-folder from \program\ to \music\ some time ago, could this perhaps be the reason for breaking the scrobbling?
« Last Edit: 26 Sep '13 - 11:08 by SilverDogg »


  • Posts: 2878
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #754 on: 28 Sep '13 - 09:37 »
didnt get anything out of this myself, but perhaps you can?
Hmm, no, that doesn't really tell us anything.
i moved my entire xmplay-folder from \program\ to \music\ some time ago, could this perhaps be the reason for breaking the scrobbling?
I don't think so, xmp-scrobbler uses relative paths.

What did you set your 'Delay info fetch' to? Default is 10.
« Last Edit: 28 Sep '13 - 11:34 by Dotpitch »


  • Posts: 14
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #755 on: 30 Sep '13 - 11:27 »
it was actually not started at all right now. was set to 0 (but off). setting it on 10 and starting it worked like a charm.

thank you very much for the help!


  • Posts: 2878
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #756 on: 30 Sep '13 - 16:17 »
setting it on 10 and starting it worked like a charm. thank you very much for the help!
You're welcome :). I'm glad it's solved by something so simple!


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #757 on: 20 Aug '15 - 12:23 »
Hmm... Anybody else experiencing crashes with Windows 10 (Pro 64-bit)?


  • Posts: 1
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #758 on: 20 Aug '15 - 17:47 »
Hmm... Anybody else experiencing crashes with Windows 10 (Pro 64-bit)?
It started crashing today and I'm on Windows 7 x64.


  • Posts: 2
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #759 on: 20 Aug '15 - 19:41 »
Hi, this is Jon from

The crashing is most likely due to changes we've made to our API this week.  You can read about this problem here:

Before it crashes, what we're seeing in the xmp-scrobbler.log is:

2015-08-20 15:20:50   [DEBUG] A new track has been opened.
2015-08-20 15:20:50   [DEBUG] Initializing the submission library...
2015-08-20 15:20:50   [DEBUG] Operating through proxy: localhost:8888
2015-08-20 15:20:50   [DEBUG] Loading cache file.
2015-08-20 15:20:50   [DEBUG] Cache loaded, scheduling handshake.
2015-08-20 15:20:50   [DEBUG] Audio info: 2 channels, 96000 Hz.
2015-08-20 15:20:52   [DEBUG] Handshake response: client up to date.

(Previously it was reporting "[DEBUG] Handshake failed: Invalid client." )

It's running through proxy so we can trace the requests, and what I'm seeing Charles is:

2 04e2e9d9f71c4fd4cfaec45444c4ebc3

Which seems ok? Unfortunately xmplay is crashing before any further requests or logs are made, so it's hard to determine what exactly is going wrong.  Another issue is that it appears to be using a deprecated version of a deprecated version of our scrobbling protocol (scrobble 1.1., as opposed to 1.2, or 2.0 )

We have a couple of people looking into this, but if possible we'd very much like to have the source code of the latest version of the plugin for reference (Pre-0.9.7.).  Thanks in advance.  :)


  • Posts: 2787
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #760 on: 21 Aug '15 - 00:42 »
Given that Xander hasn't been around for a while, maybe it's worth just starting from the 0.9.6 sourcecode.
I tried finding the differences between the two versions to make this potentially easier:
Problem with unicode strings being truncated: (with possible explanation of the fix here:
Problem with cue sheets?
Delayed fetch limit has been changed:

Or maybe dukzcry could be fair enough and share the code for his modifications.


  • Posts: 6
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #761 on: 21 Aug '15 - 09:31 »

I too noticed the XMPlay scrobbling plugin now crashes with the recent website update, hence why I came seeking news here.

I did not closely follow the development of the plugin, but I've been using it for more than a year now. At the time, I backed up the source code that was once posted on this forum, and hosted it on a github repo so that it would not disappear if the original poster would remove it.
These source seem to include the 0.9.7 modifications (or at least, some).

I just noticed dukzcry has apparently forked this repo and worked a bit on the source (not for a while though), so I updated it.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, my original clone of the source found on this forum is here :
And the re-forked repo by dukzcry is here :

I hope this can help people at solve the problem... I'm already starting to really miss scrobbling with XMPlay!
« Last Edit: 21 Aug '15 - 09:34 by yaurthek »


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Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #762 on: 11 Sep '15 - 00:24 »

I make no promises, but I'll (in the coming days/weeks?) try to look at the cause of the crash and try providing a new build, it will be based on the 0.9.7 version


  • Posts: 14
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #763 on: 12 Sep '15 - 15:00 »
Good news everyone...

I had a bit of time this weekend, and i present you the quick and dirty xmp-scrobbler !


What has changed :
- Fix the crash at handshake.
- minor code improvements.
- Added visual studio 2013 solution file.


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Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #764 on: 12 Sep '15 - 17:10 »
XMP does not see the plugin...


  • Posts: 14
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #765 on: 12 Sep '15 - 17:54 »
Hmm, i forgot to mention, there is a new requirement: you need microsoft visual studio c++ runtime 2013 (x86) installed else the .dll cannot be loaded.

If it still doesn't work i'll need more information, what os version are you using ? (xp?)


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Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #766 on: 12 Sep '15 - 19:03 »

I've instaled the visual C++... The plugin is visible now, along with all the new features in the configuration... But now the player crashes instantlly after hiting play with the plugin enabled :( At least that happens on windows10 which I use...


Cheers for the prompt reply!


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #767 on: 14 Sep '15 - 08:09 »
He-hey, it's working. Cheers, T`aZ!

For a while it was just caching and caching but enabling debug mode revealed "bad authorization", so I guess I fumbled the password.
Windows 10 here as well.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the log timestamps are missing leading zeroes making them visually fluctuate, plus the time part in "2015-9-14 10:27:9" looks super weird.

EDIT2: XMPlay thinks xmp-scrobbler++ 0.1 is older than xmp-scrobbler 0.9.6 and offers an update.
« Last Edit: 14 Sep '15 - 11:04 by raina »


  • Posts: 14
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #768 on: 14 Sep '15 - 17:31 »
Thanks for the feedback, I know some issues needs to be fixed (date, version number) and that version is probably less stable than the old one, because of new compiler being less tolerant. A new version will probably come in some days trying to correct that :)


  • Posts: 2787
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #769 on: 14 Sep '15 - 19:59 »
Yup, the crash is definitely still there for me as well. Right when starting playback of a track, which indicates that this version is definitely still missing the delayed info fetch option (I think it was also part of the options dialog?).
By the way, the original code was released under the GPL, so the code package should definitely come with a GPL license notice as well, even if dukzcry removed it.

EDIT: Strangely the crash sometimes doesn't happen instantly. I'll try to compile it myself and see what I can find.
« Last Edit: 14 Sep '15 - 20:03 by saga »


  • Posts: 2787
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #770 on: 14 Sep '15 - 20:57 »
Okay, I was able to find at least one bug so far which was probably due to a broken entry in the submission cache with a completely bogus submission date (check return value of gmtime_s in line 205 of scrobbler.cpp is non-zero). Let's see if there are any other crashes happening...
Temporary download: (requires the Visual Studio 2010 redistributable runtime)
« Last Edit: 14 Sep '15 - 21:16 by saga »


  • Posts: 1163
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #771 on: 16 Sep '15 - 08:12 »
Ah, had the crash happen on my home machine, which is not that different from the office one. Saga's version seems to fix that.


  • Posts: 14
Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #772 on: 17 Sep '15 - 18:17 »
Hi all,


Brief changelog:
- Added (back?) Gpl license
- Better error handling, should not crash anymore on bad input cache file*
- Renamed to xmp-scrobbler (without the ++)
- Minor code refactoring
- Fix timestamp format bug

* crash was due to old time_t being 32bits (so old cached track file is no more compatible).

Let me know if you still have problems.


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Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #773 on: 18 Sep '15 - 21:20 »
Hello. I am running Windows XP, Visual Studio C++ Runtime 2013 (x86) installed. Problem is that the plugin won't show, so it cannot be added and configured.



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Re: XMPlay plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
« Reply #774 on: 19 Sep '15 - 08:16 »
The plugin works just fine now.

Cheers T'az!