Author Topic: Ok... converting mo3 to mp3... help me please..  (Read 14463 times)


  • Posts: 3
Ok, I'm new and only here for this one question:
HOW do you get an mo3 file to a listenable, ipoddable mp3 file?
I have xmplay, but I'm still trying to figure out how to get it to work properly.
And what's this LAME extension thing everybody keeps talking about? Where can I get it from, and how do I use it?

I reeeealy need some answers asap... preferably clear ones...

Help! :-\

« Last Edit: 27 Oct '08 - 09:22 by frostwolf69 »


  • Posts: 2878
Re: Ok... converting mo3 to mp3... help me please..
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct '08 - 10:30 »
This concerns XMPlay more than MO3, but anyway...

Get LAME (a freeware MP3 encoder) from RareWares (you need the first bundle). Open the zip, and extract lame.exe to the same folder as xmplay.exe. Start XMPlay, go to Options and Stuff (right click the title bar) > Output, and select 'Encoder - LAME' in the Device box. If there is no such preset, go to Output > Encoders, type 'LAME' in the Encoder box, click Add, set the extension to mp3, the resolution to 24 bit  and use this command line:
Code: [Select]
lame - %o -V2 -h -T --tt %1 --ta %2 --tl %3 --ty %4 --tn %5For smaller files, try -V5 or -b128 instead of -V2, or take a look in the LAME help. The tags are probably not complete, you'll have to add them with a different program (MP3Tag is a good one).
Select the preset as output device, click Apply, close Options and Stuff, load your MO3 as usual. Instead of playing it through your speakers, XMPlay will now feed lame.exe with the audio.

Also, the Support Site has an article on this.


  • Posts: 3
Re: Ok... converting mo3 to mp3... help me please..
« Reply #2 on: 28 Oct '08 - 02:15 »
Ok, thanks. I've followed everything... but (please excuse ignorance) where has the file been saved (has it even been saved?) I had a look at the support page but my xmplay is slightly different to that. I have the lame, I've set it as the encoder  :-\ but now what?

Thanks for your help so far, again.


  • Posts: 3
Re: Ok... converting mo3 to mp3... help me please..
« Reply #3 on: 28 Oct '08 - 02:24 »
Whoa- hang on- I've got it now. Thank you very much ;D