Hello all;
just a quick question about BassSFX. I've added it to my project and use it through Bass.Net and it works really well for BassBox, Sonique and the Blaze and Alchemy Windows Media Player plugins. The only problem is with Winamp plugins, when i attempt to load the plugin, my program throws an exception saying : Access Violation Exception Unhanded. Other winamp visual plugins just crash my program completely.
Heres my method to load and start the Winamp plugin:
public void TVis(string file1)
vis = BassSfx.BASS_SFX_PluginCreate(file1, IntPtr.Zero, 1, 1, BASSSFXFlag.BASS_SFX_DEFAULT);
BassSfx.BASS_SFX_PluginModuleSetActive(vis, 0);
BassSfx.BASS_SFX_PluginSetStream(vis, stream);
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks