Starts/resumes playback of a sample, stream, MOD music, or a recording.
BOOL BASS_ChannelStart(
DWORD handle
handle | The channel handle... a HCHANNEL, HMUSIC, HSTREAM, or HRECORD.
Return value
If successful, TRUE is returned, else FALSE is returned. Use BASS_ErrorGetCode to get the error code.
Error codes
BASS_ERROR_HANDLE | handle is not a valid channel.
BASS_ERROR_DECODE | handle is a decoding channel, so cannot be played.
BASS_ERROR_START | The output is paused/stopped, use BASS_Start to start it.
If other channels have been linked to the specified channel via BASS_ChannelSetLink, this function will attempt to simultaneously start playing them too but if any fail, it will be silently. The return value and error code only reflects what happened with the specified channel. BASS_ChannelIsActive can be used to confirm the status of linked channels.
See also
BASS_ChannelFlags, BASS_ChannelGetLevel, BASS_ChannelGetPosition, BASS_ChannelIsActive, BASS_ChannelPause, BASS_ChannelPlay, BASS_ChannelSetPosition, BASS_ChannelSetSync, BASS_ChannelStop, BASS_ChannelUpdate, BASS_Start, BASS_CONFIG_NET_PREBUF