Channel allocation

2MIDI has two different ways of assigning the MIDI channels for the conversion... MOD channel, and sample based allocation. The methods are cumulative, the effect of one is added to the other. The two methods are described below, with examples.

MOD channel based assigment [CHANNEL OPTIONS]

This is where the MIDI channels are allocated per MOD channel... you choose which MIDI channels a MOD channel can use in the conversion.

In this example, the notes played on MOD channel 0 can only be converted to MIDI channels 1, 2 and 3.

Sample based assigment [SAMPLE OPTIONS]

This is where the MIDI channels are allocated per sample... you choose which MIDI channels a sample can use in the conversion.

In this example, the notes played with sample 14.0 can only be converted to MIDI channels 2, 3, 4 and 5.

If both these example settings were made together, then the cumulative effect would be that if sample 14.0 was played on MOD channel 0, the notes could only be converted to MIDI channels 2 and 3.